CHAPTER III -- REGULAR EXPRESSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular expressions allow extremely valuable text processing techniques, but ones that warrant careful explanation. Python's [re] module, in particular, allows numerous enhancements to basic regular expressions (such as named backreferences, lookahead assertions, backreference skipping, non-greedy quantifiers, and others). A solid introduction to the subtleties of regular expressions is valuable to programmers engaged in text processing tasks. The prequel of this chapter contains a tutorial on regular expressions that allows a reader unfamiliar with regular expressions to move quickly from simple to complex elements of regular expression syntax. This tutorial is aimed primarily at beginners, but programmers familiar with regular expressions in other programming tools can benefit from a quick read of the tutorial, which explicates the particular regular expression dialect in Python. It is important to note up-front that regular expressions, while very powerful, also have limitations. In brief, regular expressions cannot match patterns that nest to arbitrary depths. If that statement does not make sense, read Chapter 4, which discusses parsers--to a large extent, parsing exists to address the limitations of regular expressions. In general, if you have doubts about whether a regular expression is sufficient for your task, try to understand the examples in Chapter 4, particularly the discussion of how you might spell a floating point number. Section 3.1 examines a number of text processing problems that are solved most naturally using regular expression. As in other chapters, the solutions presented to problems can generally be adopted directly as little utilities for performing tasks. However, as elsewhere, the larger goal in presenting problems and solutions is to address a style of thinking about a wider class of problems than those whose solutions are presented directly in this book. Readers who are interested in a range of ready utilities and modules will probably want to check additional resources on the Web, such as the Vaults of Parnassus and the Python Cookbook . Section 3.2 is a "reference with commentary" on the Python standard library modules for doing regular expression tasks. Several utility modules and backward-compatibility regular expression engines are available, but for most readers, the only important module will be [re] itself. The discussions interspersed with each module try to give some guidance on why you would want to use a given module or function, and the reference documentation tries to contain more examples of actual typical usage than does a plain reference. In many cases, the examples and discussion of individual functions address common and productive design patterns in Python. The cross-references are intended to contextualize a given function (or other thing) in terms of related ones (and to help a reader decide which is right for her). The actual listing of functions, constants, classes, and the like are in alphabetical order within each category. SECTION 0 -- A Regular Expression Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. -- Jamie Zawinski, '' (08/12/1997) TOPIC -- Just What is a Regular Expression, Anyway? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Many readers will have some background with regular expressions, but some will not have any. Those with experience using regular expressions in other languages (or in Python) can probably skip this tutorial section. But readers new to regular expressions (affectionately called 'regexes' by users) should read this section; even some with experience can benefit from a refresher. A regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found, to modify the patterns in complex ways. They can also be used to launch programmatic actions that depend on patterns. Jamie Zawinski's tongue-in-cheek comment in the epigram is worth thinking about. Regular expressions are amazingly powerful and deeply expressive. That is the very reason that writing them is just as error-prone as writing any other complex programming code. It is always better to solve a genuinely simple problem in a simple way; when you go beyond simple, think about regular expressions. A large number of tools other than Python incorporate regular expressions as part of their functionality. Unix-oriented command-line tools like 'grep', 'sed', and 'awk' are mostly wrappers for regular expression processing. Many text editors allow search and/or replacement based on regular expressions. Many programming languages, especially other scripting languages such as Perl and TCL, build regular expressions into the heart of the language. Even most command-line shells, such as Bash or the Windows-console, allow restricted regular expressions as part of their command syntax. There are some variations in regular expression syntax between different tools that use them, but for the most part regular expressions are a "little language" that gets embedded inside bigger languages like Python. The examples in this tutorial section (and the documentation in the rest of the chapter) will focus on Python syntax, but most of this chapter transfers easily to working with other programming languages and tools. As with most of this book, examples will be illustrated by use of Python interactive shell sessions that readers can type themselves, so that they can play with variations on the examples. However, the [re] module has little reason to include a function that simply illustrates matches in the shell. Therefore, the availability of the small wrapper program below is implied in the examples: #---------- ----------# import re def re_show(pat, s): print re.compile(pat, re.M).sub("{\g<0>}", s.rstrip()),'\n' s = '''Mary had a little lamb And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go''' Place the code in an external module and 'import' it. Those new to regular expressions need not worry about what the above function does for now. It is enough to know that the first argument to 're_show()' will be a regular expression pattern, and the second argument will be a string to be matched against. The matches will treat each line of the string as a separate pattern for purposes of matching beginnings and ends of lines. The illustrated matches will be whatever is contained between curly braces (and is typographically marked for emphasis). TOPIC -- Matching Patterns in Text: The Basics -------------------------------------------------------------------- The very simplest pattern matched by a regular expression is a literal character or a sequence of literal characters. Anything in the target text that consists of exactly those characters in exactly the order listed will match. A lowercase character is not identical with its uppercase version, and vice versa. A space in a regular expression, by the way, matches a literal space in the target (this is unlike most programming languages or command-line tools, where a variable number of spaces separate keywords). >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show('a', s) M{a}ry h{a}d {a} little l{a}mb. And everywhere th{a}t M{a}ry went, the l{a}mb w{a}s sure to go. >>> re_show('Mary', s) {Mary} had a little lamb. And everywhere that {Mary} went, the lamb was sure to go. -*- A number of characters have special meanings to regular expressions. A symbol with a special meaning can be matched, but to do so it must be prefixed with the backslash character (this includes the backslash character itself: to match one backslash in the target, the regular expression should include '\\'). In Python, a special way of quoting a string is available that will not perform string interpolation. Since regular expressions use many of the same backslash-prefixed codes as do Python strings, it is usually easier to compose regular expression strings by quoting them as "raw strings" with an initial "r". >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''Special characters must be escaped.*''' >>> re_show(r'.*', s) {Special characters must be escaped.*} >>> re_show(r'\.\*', s) Special characters must be escaped{.*} >>> re_show('\\\\', r'Python \ escaped \ pattern') Python {\} escaped {\} pattern >>> re_show(r'\\', r'Regex \ escaped \ pattern') Regex {\} escaped {\} pattern -*- Two special characters are used to mark the beginning and end of a line: caret ("^") and dollarsign ("$"). To match a caret or dollarsign as a literal character, it must be escaped (i.e., precede it by a backslash "\"). An interesting thing about the caret and dollarsign is that they match zero-width patterns. That is, the length of the string matched by a caret or dollarsign by itself is zero (but the rest of the regular expression can still depend on the zero-width match). Many regular expression tools provide another zero-width pattern for word-boundary ("\b"). Words might be divided by whitespace like spaces, tabs, newlines, or other characters like nulls; the word-boundary pattern matches the actual point where a word starts or ends, not the particular whitespace characters. >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show(r'^Mary', s) {Mary} had a little lamb And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go >>> re_show(r'Mary$', s) Mary had a little lamb And everywhere that {Mary} went, the lamb was sure to go >>> re_show(r'$','Mary had a little lamb') Mary had a little lamb{} -*- In regular expressions, a period can stand for any character. Normally, the newline character is not included, but optional switches can force inclusion of the newline character also (see later documentation of [re] module functions). Using a period in a pattern is a way of requiring that "something" occurs here, without having to decide what. Readers who are familiar with DOS command-line wildcards will know the question mark as filling the role of "some character" in command masks. But in regular expressions, the question mark has a different meaning, and the period is used as a wildcard. >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show(r'.a', s) {Ma}ry {ha}d{ a} little {la}mb And everywhere t{ha}t {Ma}ry went, the {la}mb {wa}s sure to go -*- A regular expression can have literal characters in it and also zero-width positional patterns. Each literal character or positional pattern is an atom in a regular expression. One may also group several atoms together into a small regular expression that is part of a larger regular expression. One might be inclined to call such a grouping a "molecule," but normally it is also called an atom. In older Unix-oriented tools like grep, subexpressions must be grouped with escaped parentheses, for example, '\(Mary\)'. In Python (as with most more recent tools), grouping is done with bare parentheses, but matching a literal parenthesis requires escaping it in the pattern. >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show(r'(Mary)( )(had)', s) {Mary had} a little lamb And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go >>> re_show(r'\(.*\)', 'spam (and eggs)') spam {(and eggs)} -*- Rather than name only a single character, a pattern in a regular expression can match any of a set of characters. A set of characters can be given as a simple list inside square brackets, for example, '[aeiou]' will match any single lowercase vowel. For letter or number ranges it may also have the first and last letter of a range, with a dash in the middle; for example, '[A-Ma-m]' will match any lowercase or uppercase letter in the first half of the alphabet. Python (as with many tools) provides escape-style shortcuts to the most commonly used character class, such as '\s' for a whitespace character and '\d' for a digit. One could always define these character classes with square brackets, but the shortcuts can make regular expressions more compact and more readable. >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show(r'[a-z]a', s) Mary {ha}d a little {la}mb And everywhere t{ha}t Mary went, the {la}mb {wa}s sure to go -*- The caret symbol can actually have two different meanings in regular expressions. Most of the time, it means to match the zero-length pattern for line beginnings. But if it is used at the beginning of a character class, it reverses the meaning of the character class. Everything not included in the listed character set is matched. >>> from re_show import re_show, s >>> re_show(r'[^a-z]a', s) {Ma}ry had{ a} little lamb And everywhere that {Ma}ry went, the lamb was sure to go -*- Using character classes is a way of indicating that either one thing or another thing can occur in a particular spot. But what if you want to specify that either of two whole subexpressions occur in a position in the regular expression? For that, you use the alternation operator, the vertical bar ("|"). This is the symbol that is also used to indicate a pipe in Unix/DOS shells and is sometimes called the pipe character. The pipe character in a regular expression indicates an alternation between everything in the group enclosing it. What this means is that even if there are several groups to the left and right of a pipe character, the alternation greedily asks for everything on both sides. To select the scope of the alternation, you must define a group that encompasses the patterns that may match. The example illustrates this: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s2 = 'The pet store sold cats, dogs, and birds.' >>> re_show(r'cat|dog|bird', s2) The pet store sold {cat}s, {dog}s, and {bird}s. >>> s3 = '=first first= # =second second= # =first= # =second=' >>> re_show(r'=first|second=', s3) {=first} first= # =second {second=} # {=first}= # ={second=} >>> re_show(r'(=)(first)|(second)(=)', s3) {=first} first= # =second {second=} # {=first}= # ={second=} >>> re_show(r'=(first|second)=', s3) =first first= # =second second= # {=first=} # {=second=} -*- One of the most powerful and common things you can do with regular expressions is to specify how many times an atom occurs in a complete regular expression. Sometimes you want to specify something about the occurrence of a single character, but very often you are interested in specifying the occurrence of a character class or a grouped subexpression. There is only one quantifier included with "basic" regular expression syntax, the asterisk ("*"); in English this has the meaning "some or none" or "zero or more." If you want to specify that any number of an atom may occur as part of a pattern, follow the atom by an asterisk. Without quantifiers, grouping expressions doesn't really serve as much purpose, but once we can add a quantifier to a subexpression we can say something about the occurrence of the subexpression as a whole. Take a look at the example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''Match with zero in the middle: @@ ... Subexpression occurs, but...: @=!=ABC@ ... Lots of occurrences: @=!==!==!==!==!=@ ... Must repeat entire pattern: @=!==!=!==!=@''' >>> re_show(r'@(=!=)*@', s) Match with zero in the middle: {@@} Subexpression occurs, but...: @=!=ABC@ Lots of occurrences: {@=!==!==!==!==!=@} Must repeat entire pattern: @=!==!=!==!=@ TOPIC -- Matching Patterns in Text: Intermediate -------------------------------------------------------------------- In a certain way, the lack of any quantifier symbol after an atom quantifies the atom anyway: It says the atom occurs exactly once. Extended regular expressions add a few other useful numbers to "once exactly" and "zero or more times." The plus sign ("+") means "one or more times" and the question mark ("?") means "zero or one times." These quantifiers are by far the most common enumerations you wind up using. If you think about it, you can see that the extended regular expressions do not actually let you "say" anything the basic ones do not. They just let you say it in a shorter and more readable way. For example, '(ABC)+' is equivalent to '(ABC)(ABC)*', and 'X(ABC)?Y' is equivalent to 'XABCY|XY'. If the atoms being quantified are themselves complicated grouped subexpressions, the question mark and plus sign can make things a lot shorter. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''AAAD ... ABBBBCD ... BBBCD ... ABCCD ... AAABBBC''' >>> re_show(r'A+B*C?D', s) {AAAD} {ABBBBCD} BBBCD ABCCD AAABBBC -*- Using extended regular expressions, you can specify arbitrary pattern occurrence counts using a more verbose syntax than the question mark, plus sign, and asterisk quantifiers. The curly braces ("{" and "}") can surround a precise count of how many occurrences you are looking for. The most general form of the curly-brace quantification uses two range arguments (the first must be no larger than the second, and both must be non-negative integers). The occurrence count is specified this way to fall between the minimum and maximum indicated (inclusive). As shorthand, either argument may be left empty: If so, the minimum/maximum is specified as zero/infinity, respectively. If only one argument is used (with no comma in there), exactly that number of occurrences are matched. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s2 = '''aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ... aaa bbb ccc ... aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccc''' >>> re_show(r'a{5} b{,6} c{4,8}', s2) {aaaaa bbbbb ccccc} aaa bbb ccc aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccc >>> re_show(r'a+ b{3,} c?', s2) {aaaaa bbbbb c}cccc {aaa bbb c}cc {aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb c}cccc >>> re_show(r'a{5} b{6,} c{4,8}', s2) aaaaa bbbbb ccccc aaa bbb ccc {aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccc} -*- One powerful option in creating search patterns is specifying that a subexpression that was matched earlier in a regular expression is matched again later in the expression. We do this using backreferences. Backreferences are named by the numbers 1 through 99, preceded by the backslash/escape character when used in this manner. These backreferences refer to each successive group in the match pattern, as in '(one)(two)(three) \1\2\3'. Each numbered backreference refers to the group that, in this example, has the word corresponding to the number. It is important to note something the example illustrates. What gets matched by a backreference is the same literal string matched the first time, even if the pattern that matched the string could have matched other strings. Simply repeating the same grouped subexpression later in the regular expression does not match the same targets as using a backreference (but you have to decide what it is you actually want to match in either case). Backreferences refer back to whatever occurred in the previous grouped expressions, in the order those grouped expressions occurred. Up to 99 numbered backreferences may be used. However, Python also allows naming backreferences, which can make it much clearer what the backreferences are pointing to. The initial pattern group must begin with '?P', and the corresponding backreference must contain '(?P=name)'. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s2 = '''jkl abc xyz ... jkl xyz abc ... jkl abc abc ... jkl xyz xyz ... ''' >>> re_show(r'(abc|xyz) \1', s2) jkl abc xyz jkl xyz abc jkl {abc abc} jkl {xyz xyz} >>> re_show(r'(abc|xyz) (abc|xyz)', s2) jkl {abc xyz} jkl {xyz abc} jkl {abc abc} jkl {xyz xyz} >>> re_show(r'(?Pabc|xyz) (?P=let3)', s2) jkl abc xyz jkl xyz abc jkl {abc abc} jkl {xyz xyz} -*- Quantifiers in regular expressions are greedy. That is, they match as much as they possibly can. Probably the easiest mistake to make in composing regular expressions is to match too much. When you use a quantifier, you want it to match everything (of the right sort) up to the point where you want to finish your match. But when using the '*', '+', or numeric quantifiers, it is easy to forget that the last bit you are looking for might occur later in a line than the one you are interested in. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s2 = '''-- I want to match the words that start ... -- with 'th' and end with 's'. ... this ... thus ... thistle ... this line matches too much ... ''' >>> re_show(r'th.*s', s2) -- I want to match {the words that s}tart -- wi{th 'th' and end with 's}'. {this} {thus} {this}tle {this line matches} too much -*- Often if you find that regular expressions are matching too much, a useful procedure is to reformulate the problem in your mind. Rather than thinking about, "What am I trying to match later in the expression?" ask yourself, "What do I need to avoid matching in the next part?" This often leads to more parsimonious pattern matches. Often the way to avoid a pattern is to use the complement operator and a character class. Look at the example, and think about how it works. The trick here is that there are two different ways of formulating almost the same sequence. Either you can think you want to keep matching -until- you get to XYZ, or you can think you want to keep matching -unless- you get to XYZ. These are subtly different. For people who have thought about basic probability, the same pattern occurs. The chance of rolling a 6 on a die in one roll is 1/6. What is the chance of rolling a 6 in six rolls? A naive calculation puts the odds at 1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6, or 100 percent. This is wrong, of course (after all, the chance after twelve rolls isn't 200 percent). The correct calculation is, "How do I avoid rolling a 6 for six rolls?" (i.e., 5/6*5/6*5/6*5/6*5/6*5/6, or about 33 percent). The chance of getting a 6 is the same chance as not avoiding it (or about 66 percent). In fact, if you imagine transcribing a series of die rolls, you could apply a regular expression to the written record, and similar thinking applies. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s2 = '''-- I want to match the words that start ... -- with 'th' and end with 's'. ... this ... thus ... thistle ... this line matches too much ... ''' >>> re_show(r'th[^s]*.', s2) -- I want to match {the words} {that s}tart -- wi{th 'th' and end with 's}'. {this} {thus} {this}tle {this} line matches too much -*- Not all tools that use regular expressions allow you to modify target strings. Some simply locate the matched pattern; the mostly widely used regular expression tool is probably grep, which is a tool for searching only. Text editors, for example, may or may not allow replacement in their regular expression search facility. Python, being a general programming language, allows sophisticated replacement patterns to accompany matches. Since Python strings are immutable, [re] functions do not modify string objects in place, but instead return the modified versions. But as with functions in the [string] module, one can always rebind a particular variable to the new string object that results from [re] modification. Replacement examples in this tutorial will call a function 're_new()' that is a wrapper for the module function `re.sub()`. Original strings will be defined above the call, and the modified results will appear below the call and with the same style of additional markup of changed areas as 're_show()' used. Be careful to notice that the curly braces in the results displayed will not be returned by standard [re] functions, but are only added here for emphasis (as is the typography). Simply import the following function in the examples below: #---------- ----------# import re def re_new(pat, rep, s): print re.sub(pat, '{'+rep+'}', s) -*- Let us take a look at a couple of modification examples that build on what we have already covered. This one simply substitutes some literal text for some other literal text. Notice that `string.replace()` can achieve the same result and will be faster in doing so. >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = 'The zoo had wild dogs, bobcats, lions, and other wild cats.' >>> re_new('cat','dog',s) The zoo had wild dogs, bob{dog}s, lions, and other wild {dog}s. -*- Most of the time, if you are using regular expressions to modify a target text, you will want to match more general patterns than just literal strings. Whatever is matched is what gets replaced (even if it is several different strings in the target): >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = 'The zoo had wild dogs, bobcats, lions, and other wild cats.' >>> re_new('cat|dog','snake',s) The zoo had wild {snake}s, bob{snake}s, lions, and other wild {snake}s. >>> re_new(r'[a-z]+i[a-z]*','nice',s) The zoo had {nice} dogs, bobcats, {nice}, and other {nice} cats. -*- It is nice to be able to insert a fixed string everywhere a pattern occurs in a target text. But frankly, doing that is not very context sensitive. A lot of times, we do not want just to insert fixed strings, but rather to insert something that bears much more relation to the matched patterns. Fortunately, backreferences come to our rescue here. One can use backreferences in the pattern matches themselves, but it is even more useful to be able to use them in replacement patterns. By using replacement backreferences, one can pick and choose from the matched patterns to use just the parts of interest. As well as backreferencing, the examples below illustrate the importance of whitespace in regular expressions. In most programming code, whitespace is merely aesthetic. But the examples differ solely in an extra space within the arguments to the second call--and the return value is importantly different. >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = 'A37 B4 C107 D54112 E1103 XXX' >>> re_new(r'([A-Z])([0-9]{2,4})',r'\2:\1',s) {37:A} B4 {107:C} {5411:D}2 {1103:E} XXX >>> re_new(r'([A-Z])([0-9]{2,4}) ',r'\2:\1 ',s) {37:A }B4 {107:C }D54112 {1103:E }XXX -*- This tutorial has already warned about the danger of matching too much with regular expression patterns. But the danger is so much more serious when one does modifications, that it is worth repeating. If you replace a pattern that matches a larger string than you thought of when you composed the pattern, you have potentially deleted some important data from your target. It is always a good idea to try out regular expressions on diverse target data that is representative of production usage. Make sure you are matching what you think you are matching. A stray quantifier or wildcard can make a surprisingly wide variety of texts match what you thought was a specific pattern. And sometimes you just have to stare at your pattern for a while, or find another set of eyes, to figure out what is really going on even after you see what matches. Familiarity might breed contempt, but it also instills competence. TOPIC -- Advanced Regular Expression Extensions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Some very useful enhancements to basic regular expressions are included with Python (and with many other tools). Many of these do not strictly increase the power of Python's regular expressions, but they -do- manage to make expressing them far more concise and clear. Earlier in the tutorial, the problems of matching too much were discussed, and some workarounds were suggested. Python is nice enough to make this easier by providing optional "non-greedy" quantifiers. These quantifiers grab as little as possible while still matching whatever comes next in the pattern (instead of as much as possible). Non-greedy quantifiers have the same syntax as regular greedy ones, except with the quantifier followed by a question mark. For example, a non-greedy pattern might look like: 'A[A-Z]*?B'. In English, this means "match an A, followed by only as many capital letters as are needed to find a B." One little thing to look out for is the fact that the pattern '[A-Z]*?.' will always match zero capital letters. No longer matches are ever needed to find the following "any character" pattern. If you use non-greedy quantifiers, watch out for matching too little, which is a symmetric danger. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''-- I want to match the words that start ... -- with 'th' and end with 's'. ... this line matches just right ... this # thus # thistle''' >>> re_show(r'th.*s',s) -- I want to match {the words that s}tart -- wi{th 'th' and end with 's}'. {this line matches jus}t right {this # thus # this}tle >>> re_show(r'th.*?s',s) -- I want to match {the words} {that s}tart -- wi{th 'th' and end with 's}'. {this} line matches just right {this} # {thus} # {this}tle >>> re_show(r'th.*?s ',s) -- I want to match {the words }that start -- with 'th' and end with 's'. {this }line matches just right {this }# {thus }# thistle -*- Modifiers can be used in regular expressions or as arguments to many of the functions in [re]. A modifier affects, in one way or another, the interpretation of a regular expression pattern. A modifier, unlike an atom, is global to the particular match--in itself, a modifier doesn't match anything, it instead constrains or directs what the atoms match. When used directly within a regular expression pattern, one or more modifiers begin the whole pattern, as in '(?Limsux)'. For example, to match the word 'cat' without regard to the case of the letters, one could use '(?i)cat'. The same modifiers may be passed in as the last argument as bitmasks (i.e., with a '|' between each modifier), but only to some functions in the [re] module, not to all. For example, the two calls below are equivalent: >>> import re >>>'(?Li)cat','The Cat in the Hat').start() 4 >>>'cat','The Cat in the Hat',re.L|re.I).start() 4 However, some function calls in [re] have no argument for modifiers. In such cases, you should either use the modifier prefix pseudo-group or pre-compile the regular expression rather than use it in string form. For example: >>> import re >>> re.split(r'(?i)th','Brillig and The Slithy Toves') ['Brillig and ', 'e Sli', 'y Toves'] >>> re.split(re.compile('th',re.I),'Brillig and the Slithy Toves') ['Brillig and ', 'e Sli', 'y Toves'] See the [re] module documentation for details on which functions take which arguments. -*- The listed modifiers below are used in [re] expressions. Users of other regular expression tools may be accustomed to a 'g' option for "global" matching. These other tools take a line of text as their default unit, and "global" means to match multiple lines. Python takes the actual passed string as its unit, so "global" is simply the default. To operate on a single line, either the regular expressions have to be tailored to look for appropriate begin-line and end-line characters, or the strings being operated on should be split first using `string.split()` or other means. #*--------- Regular expression modifiers ---------------# * L (re.L) - Locale customization of \w, \W, \b, \B * i (re.I) - Case-insensitive match * m (re.M) - Treat string as multiple lines * s (re.S) - Treat string as single line * u (re.U) - Unicode customization of \w, \W, \b, \B * x (re.X) - Enable verbose regular expressions The single-line option ("s") allows the wildcard to match a newline character (it won't otherwise). The multiple-line option ("m") causes "^" and "$" to match the beginning and end of each line in the target, not just the begin/end of the target as a whole (the default). The insensitive option ("i") ignores differences between the case of letters. The Locale and Unicode options ("L" and "u") give different interpretations to the word-boundary ("\b") and alphanumeric ("\w") escaped patterns--and their inverse forms ("\B" and "\W"). The verbose option ("x") is somewhat different from the others. Verbose regular expressions may contain nonsignificant whitespace and inline comments. In a sense, this is also just a different interpretation of regular expression patterns, but it allows you to produce far more easily readable complex patterns. Some examples follow in the sections below. -*- Let's take a look first at how case-insensitive and single-line options change the match behavior. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''MAINE # Massachusetts # Colorado # ... mississippi # Missouri # Minnesota #''' >>> re_show(r'M.*[ise] ', s) {MAINE # Massachusetts }# Colorado # mississippi # {Missouri }# Minnesota # >>> re_show(r'(?i)M.*[ise] ', s) {MAINE # Massachusetts }# Colorado # {mississippi # Missouri }# Minnesota # >>> re_show(r'(?si)M.*[ise] ', s) {MAINE # Massachusetts # Colorado # mississippi # Missouri }# Minnesota # Looking back to the definition of 're_show()', we can see it was defined to explicitly use the multiline option. So patterns displayed with 're_show()' will always be multiline. Let us look at a couple of examples that use `re.findall()` instead. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''MAINE # Massachusetts # Colorado # ... mississippi # Missouri # Minnesota #''' >>> re_show(r'(?im)^M.*[ise] ', s) {MAINE # Massachusetts }# Colorado # {mississippi # Missouri }# Minnesota # >>> import re >>> re.findall(r'(?i)^M.*[ise] ', s) ['MAINE # Massachusetts '] >>> re.findall(r'(?im)^M.*[ise] ', s) ['MAINE # Massachusetts ', 'mississippi # Missouri '] -*- Matching word characters and word boundaries depends on exactly what gets counted as being alphanumeric. Character codepages for letters outside the (US-English) ASCII range differ among national alphabets. Python versions are configured to a particular locale, and regular expressions can optionally use the current one to match words. Of greater long-term significance is the [re] module's ability (after Python 2.0) to look at the Unicode categories of characters, and decide whether a character is alphabetic based on that category. Locale settings work OK for European diacritics, but for non-Roman sets, Unicode is clearer and less error prone. The "u" modifier controls whether Unicode alphabetic characters are recognized or merely ASCII ones: >>> import re >>> alef, omega = unichr(1488), unichr(969) >>> u = alef +' A b C d '+omega+' X y Z' >>> u, len(u.split()), len(u) (u'\u05d0 A b C d \u03c9 X y Z', 9, 17) >>> ':'.join(re.findall(ur'\b\w\b', u)) u'A:b:C:d:X:y:Z' >>> ':'.join(re.findall(ur'(?u)\b\w\b', u)) u'\u05d0:A:b:C:d:\u03c9:X:y:Z' -*- Backreferencing in replacement patterns is very powerful, but it is easy to use many groups in a complex regular expression, which can be confusing to identify. It is often more legible to refer to the parts of a replacement pattern in sequential order. To handle this issue, Python's [re] patterns allow "grouping without backreferencing." A group that should not also be treated as a backreference has a question mark colon at the beginning of the group, as in '(?:pattern)'. In fact, you can use this syntax even when your backreferences are in the search pattern itself: >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = 'A-xyz-37 # B:abcd:142 # C-wxy-66 # D-qrs-93' >>> re_new(r'([A-Z])(?:-[a-z]{3}-)([0-9]*)', r'\1\2', s) {A37} # B:abcd:142 # {C66} # {D93} >>> # Groups that are not of interest excluded from backref ... >>> re_new(r'([A-Z])(-[a-z]{3}-)([0-9]*)', r'\1\2', s) {A-xyz-} # B:abcd:142 # {C-wxy-} # {D-qrs-} >>> # One could lose track of groups in a complex pattern ... -*- Python offers a particularly handy syntax for really complex pattern backreferences. Rather than just play with the numbering of matched groups, you can give them a name. Above we pointed out the syntax for named backreferences in the pattern space; for example, '(?P=name)'. However, a bit different syntax is necessary in replacement patterns. For that, we use the '\g' operator along with angle brackets and a name. For example: >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = "A-xyz-37 # B:abcd:142 # C-wxy-66 # D-qrs-93" >>> re_new(r'(?P[A-Z])(-[a-z]{3}-)(?P[0-9]*)', ... r'\g\g',s) {A37} # B:abcd:142 # {C66} # {D93} -*- Another trick of advanced regular expression tools is "lookahead assertions." These are similar to regular grouped subexpression, except they do not actually grab what they match. There are two advantages to using lookahead assertions. On the one hand, a lookahead assertion can function in a similar way to a group that is not backreferenced; that is, you can match something without counting it in backreferences. More significantly, however, a lookahead assertion can specify that the next chunk of a pattern has a certain form, but let a different (more general) subexpression actually grab it (usually for purposes of backreferencing that other subexpression). There are two kinds of lookahead assertions: positive and negative. As you would expect, a positive assertion specifies that something does come next, and a negative one specifies that something does not come next. Emphasizing their connection with non-backreferenced groups, the syntax for lookahead assertions is similar: '(?=pattern)' for positive assertions, and '(?!pattern)' for negative assertions. >>> from re_new import re_new >>> s = 'A-xyz37 # B-ab6142 # C-Wxy66 # D-qrs93' >>> # Assert that three lowercase letters occur after CAP-DASH ... >>> re_new(r'([A-Z]-)(?=[a-z]{3})([\w\d]*)', r'\2\1', s) {xyz37A-} # B-ab6142 # C-Wxy66 # {qrs93D-} >>> # Assert three lowercase letts do NOT occur after CAP-DASH ... >>> re_new(r'([A-Z]-)(?![a-z]{3})([\w\d]*)', r'\2\1', s) A-xyz37 # {ab6142B-} # {Wxy66C-} # D-qrs93 -*- Along with lookahead assertions, Python 2.0+ adds "lookbehind assertions." The idea is similar--a pattern is of interest only if it is (or is not) preceded by some other pattern. Lookbehind assertions are somewhat more restricted than lookahead assertions because they may only look backwards by a fixed number of character positions. In other words, no general quantifiers are allowed in lookbehind assertions. Still, some patterns are most easily expressed using lookbehind assertions. As with lookahead assertions, lookbehind assertions come in a negative and a positive flavor. The former assures that a certain pattern does -not- precede the match, the latter assures that the pattern -does- precede the match. >>> from re_new import re_new >>> re_show('Man', 'Manhandled by The Man') {Man}handled by The {Man} >>> re_show('(?<=The )Man', 'Manhandled by The Man') Manhandled by The {Man} >>> re_show('(?>> from re_show import re_show >>> s = '''The URL for my site is: You ... might also enjoy for a good ... place to download files.''' >>> pat = r''' (?x)( # verbose identify URLs within text ... (http|ftp|gopher) # make sure we find a resource type ... :// # ...needs to be followed by colon-slash-slash ... [^ \n\r]+ # some stuff then space, newline, tab is URL ... \w # URL always ends in alphanumeric char ... (?=[\s\.,]) # assert: followed by whitespace/period/comma ... ) # end of match group''' >>> re_show(pat, s) The URL for my site is: {}. You might also enjoy {} for a good place to download files. SECTION 1 -- Some Common Tasks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: Making a text block flush left -------------------------------------------------------------------- For visual clarity or to identify the role of text, blocks of text are often indented--especially in prose-oriented documents (but log files, configuration files, and the like might also have unused initial fields). For downstream purposes, indentation is often irrelevant, or even outright incorrect, since the indentation is not part of the text itself but only a decoration of the text. However, it often makes matters even worse to perform the very most naive transformation of indented text--simply remove leading whitespace from every line. While block indentation may be decoration, the relative indentations of lines within blocks may serve important or essential functions (for example, the blocks of text might be Python source code). The general procedure you need to take in maximally unindenting a block of text is fairly simple. But it is easy to throw more code at it than is needed, and arrive at some inelegant and slow nested loops of `string.find()` and `string.replace()` operations. A bit of cleverness in the use of regular expressions--combined with the conciseness of a functional programming (FP) style--can give you a quick, short, and direct transformation. #---------- ----------# # Remove as many leading spaces as possible from whole block from re import findall,sub # What is the minimum line indentation of a block? indent = lambda s: reduce(min,map(len,findall('(?m)^ *(?=\S)',s))) # Remove the block-minimum indentation from each line? flush_left = lambda s: sub('(?m)^ {%d}' % indent(s),'',s) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print flush_left( The 'flush_left()' function assumes that blocks are indented with spaces. If tabs are used--or used combined with spaces--an initial pass through the utility '' (which can be found at '$PYTHONPATH/tools/scripts/') can convert blocks to space-only indentation. A helpful adjunct to 'flush_left()' is likely to be the 'reformat_para()' function that was presented in Chapter 2, Problem 2. Between the two of these, you could get a good part of the way towards a "batch-oriented word processor." (What other capabilities would be most useful?) PROBLEM: Summarizing command-line option documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation of command-line options to programs is usually in semi-standard formats in places like manpages, docstrings, READMEs and the like. In general, within documentation you expect to see command-line options indented a bit, followed by a bit more indentation, followed by one or more lines of description, and usually ended by a blank line. This style is readable for users browsing documentation, but is of sufficiently complexity and variability that regular expressions are well suited to finding the right descriptions (simple string methods fall short). A specific scenario where you might want a summary of command-line options is as an aid to understanding configuration files that call multiple child commands. The file '/etc/inetd.conf' on Unix-like systems is a good example of such a configuration file. Moreover, configuration files themselves often have enough complexity and variability within them that simple string methods have difficulty parsing them. The utility below will look for every service launched by '/etc/inetd.conf' and present to STDOUT summary documentation of all the options used when the services are started. #---------- ----------# import re, os, string, sys def show_opts(cmdline): args = string.split(cmdline) cmd = args[0] if len(args) > 1: opts = args[1:] # might want to check error output, so use popen3() (in_, out_, err) = os.popen3('man %s | col -b' % cmd) manpage = if len(manpage) > 2: # found actual documentation print '\n%s' % cmd for opt in opts: pat_opt = r'(?sm)^\s*'+opt+r'.*?(?=\n\n)' opt_doc =, manpage) if opt_doc is not None: print else: # try harder for something relevant mentions = [] for para in string.split(manpage,'\n\n'): if, para): mentions.append('\n%s' % para) if not mentions: print '\n ',opt,' '*9,'Option docs not found' else: print '\n ',opt,' '*9,'Mentioned in below para:' print '\n'.join(mentions) else: # no manpage available print cmdline print ' No documentation available' def services(fname): conf = open(fname).read() pat_srv = r'''(?xm)(?=^[^#]) # lns that are not commented out (?:(?:[\w/]+\s+){6}) # first six fields ignored (.*$) # to end of ln is servc launch''' return re.findall(pat_srv, conf) if __name__ == '__main__': for service in services(sys.argv[1]): show_opts(service) The particular tasks performed by 'show_opts()' and 'services()' are somewhat specific to Unix-like systems, but the general techniques are more broadly applicable. For example, the particular comment character and number of fields in '/etc/inetd.conf' might be different for other launch scripts, but the use of regular expressions to find the launch commands would apply elsewhere. If the 'man' and 'col' utilities are not on the relevant system, you might do something equivalent, such as reading in the docstrings from Python modules with similar option descriptions (most of the samples in '$PYTHONPATH/tools/' use compatible documentation, for example). Another thing worth noting is that even where regular expressions are used in parsing some data, you need not do everything with regular expressions. The simple `string.split()` operation to identify paragraphs in 'show_opts()' is still the quickest and easiest technique, even though `re.split()` could do the same thing. Note: Along the lines of paragraph splitting, here is a thought problem. What is a regular expression that matches every whole paragraph that contains within it some smaller pattern 'pat'? For purposes of the puzzle, assume that a paragraph is some text that both starts and ends with doubled newlines ("\n\n"). PROBLEM: Detecting duplicate words -------------------------------------------------------------------- A common typo in prose texts is doubled words (hopefully they have been edited out of this book except in those few cases where they are intended). The same error occurs to a lesser extent in programming language code, configuration files, or data feeds. Regular expressions are well-suited to detecting this occurrence, which just amounts to a backreference to a word pattern. It's easy to wrap the regex in a small utility with a few extra features: #---------- ----------# # Detect doubled words and display with context # Include words doubled across lines but within paras import sys, re, glob for pat in sys.argv[1:]: for file in glob.glob(pat): newfile = 1 for para in open(file).read().split('\n\n'): dups = re.findall(r'(?m)(^.*(\b\w+\b)\s*\b\2\b.*$)', para) if dups: if newfile: print '%s\n%s\n' % ('-'*70,file) newfile = 0 for dup in dups: print '[%s] -->' % dup[1], dup[0] This particular version grabs the line or lines on which duplicates occur and prints them for context (along with a prompt for the duplicate itself). Variations are straightforward. The assumption made by '' is that a doubled word that spans a line (from the end of one to the beginning of another, ignoring whitespace) is a real doubling; but a duplicate that spans paragraphs is not likewise noteworthy. PROBLEM: Checking for server errors: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Web servers are a ubiquitous source of information nowadays. But finding URLs that lead to real documents is largely hit-or-miss. Every Web maintainer seems to reorganize her site every month or two, thereby breaking bookmarks and hyperlinks. As bad as the chaos is for plain Web surfers, it is worse for robots faced with the difficult task of recognizing the difference between content and errors. By-the-by, it is easy to accumulate downloaded Web pages that consist of error messages rather than desired content. In principle, Web servers can and should return error codes indicating server errors. But in practice, Web servers almost always return dynamically generated results pages for erroneous requests. Such pages are basically perfectly normal HTML pages that just happen to contain text like "Error 404: File not found!" Most of the time these pages are a bit fancier than this, containing custom graphics and layout, links to site homepages, JavaScript code, cookies, meta tags, and all sorts of other stuff. It is actually quite amazing just how much many Web servers send in response to requests for nonexistent URLs. Below is a very simple Python script to examine just what Web servers return on valid or invalid requests. Getting an error page is usually as simple as asking for a page called '' or the like (anything that doesn't really exist). [urllib] is discussed in Chapter 5, but its details are not important here. #---------- ----------# import sys from urllib import urlopen if len(sys.argv) > 1: fpin = urlopen(sys.argv[1]) print fpin.geturl() print print else: print "No specified URL" Given the diversity of error pages you might receive, it is difficult or impossible to create a regular expression (or any program) that determines with certainty whether a given HTML document is an error page. Furthermore, some sites choose to generate pages that are not really quite errors, but not really quite content either (e.g, generic directories of site information with suggestions on how to get to content). But some heuristics come quite close to separating content from errors. One noteworthy heuristic is that the interesting errors are almost always 404 or 403 (not a sure thing, but good enough to make smart guesses). Below is a utility to rate the "error probability" of HTML documents: #---------- ----------# import re, sys page = # Mapping from patterns to probability contribution of pattern err_pats = {r'(?is).*?(404|403).*?ERROR.*?': 0.95, r'(?is).*?ERROR.*?(404|403).*?': 0.95, r'(?is)ERROR': 0.30, r'(?is).*?ERROR.*?': 0.10, r'(?is)': 0.80, r'(?is)': 0.80, r'(?is).*?File Not Found.*?': 0.80, r'(?is).*?Not Found.*?': 0.40, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?is)


': 0.15, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?is)

.*?not found.*?

': 0.15, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?is)': 0.10, r'(?i)does not exist': 0.10, } err_score = 0 for pat, prob in err_pats.items(): if err_score > 0.9: break if, page): # print pat, prob err_score += prob if err_score > 0.90: print 'Page is almost surely an error report' elif err_score > 0.75: print 'It is highly likely page is an error report' elif err_score > 0.50: print 'Better-than-even odds page is error report' elif err_score > 0.25: print 'Fair indication page is an error report' else: print 'Page is probably real content' Tested against a fair number of sites, a collection like this of regular expression searches and threshold confidences works quite well. Within the author's own judgment of just what is really an error page, '' has gotten no false positives and always arrived at at least the lowest warning level for every true error page. The patterns chosen are all fairly simple, and both the patterns and their weightings were determined entirely subjectively by the author. But something like this weighted hit-or-miss technique can be used to solve many "fuzzy logic" matching problems (most having nothing to do with Web server errors). Code like that above can form a general approach to more complete applications. But for what it is worth, the scripts '' and '' may be used directly together by piping from the first to the second. For example: #*------ Using -----# % python | python Page is almost surely an error report PROBLEM: Reading lines with continuation characters -------------------------------------------------------------------- Many configuration files and other types of computer code are line oriented, but also have a facility to treat multiple lines as if they were a single logical line. In processing such a file it is usually desirable as a first step to turn all these logical lines into actual newline-delimited lines (or more likely, to transform both single and continued lines as homogeneous list elements to iterate through later). A continuation character is generally required to be the -last- thing on a line before a newline, or possibly the last thing other than some whitespace. A small (and very partial) table of continuation characters used by some common and uncommon formats is listed below: #*----- Common continuation characters -----# \ Python, JavaScript, C/C++, Bash, TCL, Unix config _ Visual Basic, PAW & Lyris, COBOL, IBIS ; Clipper, TOP - XSPEC, NetREXX = Oracle Express Most of the formats listed are programming languages, and parsing them takes quite a bit more than just identifying the lines. More often, it is configuration files of various sorts that are of interest in simple parsing, and most of the time these files use a common Unix-style convention of using trailing backslashes for continuation lines. One -could- manage to parse logical lines with a [string] module approach that looped through lines and performed concatenations when needed. But a greater elegance is served by reducing the problem to a single regular expression. The module below provides this: #---------- ----------# # Determine the logical lines in a file that might have # continuation characters. 'logical_lines()' returns a # list. The self-test prints the logical lines as # physical lines (for all specified files and options). import re def logical_lines(s, continuation='\\', strip_trailing_space=0): c = continuation if strip_trailing_space: s = re.sub(r'(?m)(%s)(\s+)$'%[c], r'\1', s) pat_log = r'(?sm)^.*?$(?>> pat = r''' ... (?x) # This is the verbose version ... (?s) # In the pattern, let "." match newlines, if needed ... (?m) # Allow ^ and $ to match every begin- and end-of-line ... ^ # Start the match at the beginning of a line ... .*? # Non-greedily grab everything until the first place ... # where the rest of the pattern matches (if possible) ... $ # End the match at an end-of-line ... (?)'"\]]) # assert: followed by white or clause ending ) # end of match group ''') pat_email = re.compile(r''' (?xm) # verbose identify URLs in text (and multiline) (?=^.{11} # Mail header matcher (?)'"\]]) # assert: followed by white or clause ending ) # end of match group ''') extract_urls = lambda s: [u[0] for u in re.findall(pat_url, s)] extract_email = lambda s: [(e[1]) for e in re.findall(pat_email, s)] if __name__ == '__main__': for line in fileinput.input(): urls = extract_urls(line) if urls: for url in urls: print fileinput.filename(),'=>',url emails = extract_email(line) if emails: for email in emails: print fileinput.filename(),'->',email A number of features are notable in the utility above. One point is that everything interesting is done within the regular expressions themselves. The actual functions 'extract_urls()' and 'extract_email()' are each a single line, using the conciseness of functional-style programming, especially list comprehensions (four or five lines of more procedural code could be used, but this style helps emphasize where the work is done). The utility itself prints located resources to STDOUT, but you could do something else with them just as easily. A bit of testing of preliminary versions of the regular expressions led me to add a few complications to them. In part this lets readers see some more exotic features in action; but in greater part, this helps weed out what I would consider "false positives." For URLs we demand at least two domain groups--this rules out LOCALHOST addresses, if present. However, by allowing a colon to end a domain group, we allow for specified ports such as ''. Email addresses have one particular special consideration. If the files you are scanning for email addresses happen to be actual mail archives, you will also find Message-ID strings. The form of these headers is very similar to that of email addresses ('In-Reply-To:' headers also contain Message-IDs). By combining a negative lookbehind assertion with some throwaway groups, we can make sure that everything that gets extracted is not a 'Message-ID:' header line. It gets a little complicated to combine these things correctly, but the power of it is quite remarkable. PROBLEM: Pretty-printing numbers -------------------------------------------------------------------- In producing human-readable documents, Python's default string representation of numbers leaves something to be desired. Specifically, the delimiters that normally occur between powers of 1,000 in written large numerals are not produced by the `str()` or `repr()` functions--which makes reading large numbers difficult. For example: >>> budget = 12345678.90 >>> print 'The company budget is $%s' % str(budget) The company budget is $12345678.9 >>> print 'The company budget is %10.2f' % budget The company budget is 12345678.90 Regular expressions can be used to transform numbers that are already "stringified" (an alternative would be to process numeric values by repeated division/remainder operations, stringifying the chunks). A few basic utility functions are contained in the module below. #---------- ----------# # Create/manipulate grouped string versions of numbers import re def commify(f, digits=2, maxgroups=5, european=0): template = '%%1.%df' % digits s = template % f pat = re.compile(r'(\d+)(\d{3})([.,]|$)([.,\d]*)') if european: repl = r'\1.\2\3\4' else: # could also use locale.localeconv()['decimal_point'] repl = r'\1,\2\3\4' for i in range(maxgroups): s = re.sub(pat,repl,s) return s def uncommify(s): return s.replace(',','') def eurify(s): s = s.replace('.','\000') # place holder s = s.replace(',','.') # change group delimiter s = s.replace('\000',',') # decimal delimiter return s def anglofy(s): s = s.replace(',','\000') # place holder s = s.replace('.',',') # change group delimiter s = s.replace('\000','.') # decimal delimiter return s vals = (12345678.90, 23456789.01, 34567890.12) sample = '''The company budget is $%s. Its debt is $%s, against assets of $%s''' if __name__ == '__main__': print sample % vals, '\n-----' print sample % tuple(map(commify, vals)), '\n-----' print eurify(sample % tuple(map(commify, vals))), '\n-----' The technique used in 'commify()' has virtues and vices. It is quick, simple, and it works. It is also slightly kludgey inasmuch as it loops through the substitution (and with the default 'maxgroups' argument, it is no good for numbers bigger than a quintillion; most numbers you encounter are smaller than this). If purity is a goal--and it probably should not be--you could probably come up with a single regular expression to do the whole job. Another quick and convenient technique is the "place holder" idea that was mentioned in the introductory discussion of the [string] module. SECTION 2 -- Standard Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOPIC -- Versions and Optimizations -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules of Optimization: Rule 1: Don't do it. Rule 2 (for experts only): Don't do it yet. -- M.A. Jackson Python has undergone several changes in its regular expression support. [regex] was superceded by [pre] in Python 1.5; [pre], in turn, by [sre] in Python 2.0. Although Python has continued to include the older modules in its standard library for backwards compatibility, the older ones are deprecated when the newer versions are included. From Python 1.5 forward, the module [re] has served as a wrapper to the underlying regular expression engine ([sre] or [pre]). But even though Python 2.0+ has used [re] to wrap [sre], [pre] is still available (the latter along with its own underlying [pcre] C extension module that can technically be used directly). Each version has generally improved upon its predecessor, but with something as complicated as regular expressions there are always a few losses with each gain. For example, [sre] adds Unicode support and is faster for most operations--but [pre] has better optimization of case-insensitive searches. Subtle details of regular expression patterns might even let the quite-old [regex] module perform faster than the newer ones. Moreover, optimizing regular expressions can be extremely complicated and dependent upon specific small version differences. Readers might start to feel their heads swim with these version details. Don't panic. Other than out of historic interest, you really do not need to worry about what implementations underlie regular expression support. The simple rule is just to use the module [re] and not think about what it wraps--the interface is compatible between versions. The real virtue of regular expressions is that they allow a concise and precise (albeit somewhat cryptic) description of complex patterns in text. Most of the time, regular expression operations are -fast enough-; there is rarely any point in optimizing an application past the point where it does what it needs to do fast enough that speed is not a problem. As Knuth famously remarks, "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature optimization is the root of all evil." ("Computer Programming as an Art" in _Literate Programming_, CSLI Lecture Notes Number 27, Stanford University Center for the Study of Languages and Information, 1992). In case regular expression operations prove to be a genuinely problematic performance bottleneck in an application, there are four steps you should take in speeding things up. Try these in order: 1. Think about whether there is a way to simplify the regular expressions involved. Most especially, is it possible to reduce the likelihood of backtracking during pattern matching? You should always test your beliefs about such simplification, however; performance characteristics rarely turn out exactly as you expect. 2. Consider whether regular expressions are -really- needed for the problem at hand. With surprising frequency, faster and simpler operations in the [string] module (or, occasionally, in other modules) do what needs to be done. Actually, this step can often come earlier than the first one. 3. Write the search or transformation in a faster and lower-level engine, especially [mx.TextTools]. Low-level modules will inevitably involve more work and considerably more intense thinking about the problem. But order-of-magnitude speed gains are often possible for the work. 4. Code the application (or the relevant parts of it) in a different programming language. If speed is the absolutely first consideration in an application, Assembly, C, or C++ are going to win. Tools like swig--while outside the scope of this book--can help you create custom extension modules to perform bottleneck operations. There is a chance also that if the problem -really must- be solved with regular expressions that Perl's engine will be faster (but not always, by any means). TOPIC -- Simple Pattern Matching -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- fnmatch : Glob-style pattern matching ================================================================= The real purpose of the [fnmatch] module is to match filenames against a pattern. Most typically, [fnmatch] is used indirectly through the [glob] module, where the latter returns lists of matching files (for example to process each matching file). But [fnmatch] does not itself know anything about filesystems, it simply provides a way of checking patterns against strings. The pattern language used by [fnmatch] is much simpler than that used by [re], which can be either good or bad, depending on your needs. As a plus, most everyone who has used a DOS, Windows, OS/2, or Unix command line is already familiar with the [fnmatch] pattern language, which is simply shell-style expansions. Four subpatterns are available in [fnmatch] patterns. In contrast to [re] patterns, there is no grouping and no quantifiers. Obviously, the discernment of matches is much less with [fnmatch] than with [re]. The subpatterns are as follows: #------------- Glob-style subpatterns --------------# * Match everything that follows (non-greedy). ? Match any single character. [set] Match one character from a set. A set generally follows the same rules as a regular expression character class. It may include zero or more ranges and zero or more enumerated characters. [!set] Match any one character that is not in the set. A pattern is simply the concatenation of one or more subpatterns. FUNCTIONS: fnmatch.fnmatch(s, pat) Test whether the pattern 'pat' matches the string 's'. On case-insensitive filesystems, the match is case insensitive. A cross-platform script should avoid `fnmatch.fnmatch()` except when used to match actual filenames. >>> from fnmatch import fnmatch >>> fnmatch('this', '[T]?i*') # On Unix-like system 0 >>> fnmatch('this', '[T]?i*') # On Win-like system 1 SEE ALSO, `fnmatch.fnmatchcase()` fnmatch.fnmatchcase(s, pat) Test whether the pattern 'pat' matches the string 's'. The match is case-sensitive regardless of platform. >>> from fnmatch import fnmatchcase >>> fnmatchcase('this', '[T]?i*') 0 >>> from string import upper >>> fnmatchcase(upper('this'), upper('[T]?i*')) 1 SEE ALSO, `fnmatch.fnmatch()` fnmatch.filter(lst, pat) Return a new list containing those elements of 'lst' that match 'pat'. The matching behaves like `fnmatch.fnmatch()` rather than like `fnmatch.fnmatchcase()`, so the results can be OS-dependent. The example below shows a (slower) means of performing a case-sensitive match on all platforms. >>> import fnmatch # Assuming Unix-like system >>> fnmatch.filter(['This','that','other','thing'], '[Tt]?i*') ['This', 'thing'] >>> fnmatch.filter(['This','that','other','thing'], '[a-z]*') ['that', 'other', 'thing'] >>> from fnmatch import fnmatchcase # For all platforms >>> mymatch = lambda s: fnmatchcase(s, '[a-z]*') >>> filter(mymatch, ['This','that','other','thing']) ['that', 'other', 'thing'] For an explanation of the built-in function `filter()` function, see Appendix A. SEE ALSO, `fnmatch.fnmatch()`, `fnmatch.fnmatchcase()` SEE ALSO, [glob], [re] TOPIC -- Regular Expression Modules -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- pre : Pre-sre module ================================================================= MODULE -- pcre : Underlying C module for pre ================================================================= The Python-written module [pre], and the C-written [pcre] module that implements the actual regular expression engine, are the regular expression modules for Python 1.5-1.6. For complete backwards compatibility, they continue to be included in Python 2.0+. Importing the symbol space of [pre] is intended to be equivalent to importing [re] (i.e., [sre] at one level of indirection) in Python 2.0+, with the exception of the handling of Unicode strings, which [pre] cannot do. That is, the lines below are almost equivalent, other than potential performance differences in specific operations: >>> import pre as re >>> import re However, there is very rarely any reason to use [pre] in Python 2.0+. Anyone deciding to import [pre] should know far more about the internals of regular expression engines than is contained in this book. Of course, prior to Python 2.0, importing [re] simply imports [pcre] itself (and the Python wrappers later renamed [pre]). SEE ALSO, [re] ================================================================= MODULE -- reconvert : Convert [regex] patterns to [re] patterns ================================================================= This module exists solely for conversion of old regular expressions from scripts written for pre-1.5 versions of Python, or possibly from regular expression patterns used with tools such as sed, awk, or grep. Conversions are not guaranteed to be entirely correct, but [reconvert] provides a starting point for a code update. FUNCTIONS: reconvert.convert(s) Return as a string the modern [re]-style pattern that corresponds to the [regex]-style pattern passed in argument 's'. For example: >>> import reconvert >>> reconvert.convert(r'\<\(cat\|dog\)\>') '\\b(cat|dog)\\b' >>> import re >>> re.findall(r'\b(cat|dog)\b', "The dog chased a bobcat") ['dog'] SEE ALSO, [regex] ================================================================= MODULE -- regex : Deprecated regular expression module ================================================================= The [regex] module is distributed with recent Python versions only to ensure strict backwards compatibility of scripts. Starting with Python 2.1, importing [regex] will produce a DeprecationWarning: #*----------- Deprecation warning for regex --------------# % python -c "import regex" -c:1: DeprecationWarning: the regex module is deprecated; please use the re module For all users of Python 1.5+, [regex] should not be used in new code, and efforts should be made to convert its usage to [re] calls. SEE ALSO, [reconvert] ================================================================= MODULE -- sre : Secret Labs Regular Expression Engine ================================================================= Support for regular expressions in Python 2.0+ is provided by the module [sre]. The module [re] simply wraps [sre] in order to have a backwards- and forwards-compatible name. There will almost never be any reason to import [sre] itself; some later version of Python might eventually deprecate [sre] also. As with [pre], anyone deciding to import [sre] itself should know far more about the internals of regular expression engines than is contained in this book. SEE ALSO, [re] ================================================================= MODULE -- re : Regular expression operations ================================================================= PATTERN SUMMARY: The chart below lists regular expression patterns; following that are explanations of each pattern. For more detailed explanation of patterns in action, consult the tutorial and/or problems contained in this chapter. The utility function 're_show()' defined in the tutorial is used in some descriptions. !!! #----- Regular expression patterns -----# <> ATOMIC OPERATORS: Plain symbol Any character not described below as having a special meaning simply represents itself in the target string. An "A" matches exactly one "A" in the target, for example. Escape: "\" The escape character starts a special sequence. The special characters listed in this pattern summary must be escaped to be treated as literal character values (including the escape character itself). The letters "A", "b", "B", "d", "D", "s", "S", "w", "W", and "Z" specify special patterns if preceded by an escape. The escape character may also introduce a backreference group with up to two decimal digits. The escape is ignored if it precedes a character with no special escaped meaning. Since Python string escapes overlap regular expression escapes, it is usually better to use raw strings for regular expressions that potentially include escapes. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'\$ \\ \^', r'\$ \\ \^ $ \ ^') \$ \\ \^ {$ \ ^} >>> re_show(r'\d \w', '7 a 6 # ! C') {7 a} 6 # ! C Grouping operators: "(", ")" Parentheses surrounding any pattern turn that pattern into a group (possibly within a larger pattern). Quantifiers refer to the immediately preceding group, if one is defined, otherwise to the preceding character or character class. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'abc+', 'abcabc abc abccc') {abc}{abc} {abc} {abccc} >>> re_show(r'(abc)+', 'abcabc abc abccc') {abcabc} {abc} {abc}cc Backreference: "\d", "\dd" A backreference consists of the escape character followed by one or two decimal digits. The first digit in a back reference may not be a zero. A backreference refers to the same string matched by an earlier group, where the enumeration of previous groups starts with 1. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'([abc])(.*)\1', 'all the boys are coy') {all the boys a}re coy An attempt to reference an undefined group will raise an error. Character classes: "[", "]" Specify a set of characters that may occur at a position. The list of allowable characters may be enumerated with no delimiter. Predefined character classes, such as "\d", are allowed within custom character classes. A range of characters may be indicated with a dash. Multiple ranges are allowed within a class. If a dash is meant to be included in the character class itself, it should occur as the first listed character. A character class may be complemented by beginning it with a caret ("^"). If a caret is meant to be included in the character class itself, it should occur in a noninitial position. Most special characters, such as "$", ".", and "(", lose their special meaning inside a character class and are merely treated as class members. The characters "]", "\", and "'-'" should be escaped with a backslash, however. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'[a-fA-F]', 'A X c G') {A} X {c} G >>> re_show(r'[-A$BC\]]', r'A X - \ ] [ $') {A} X {-} \ {]} [ {$} >>> re_show(r'[^A-Fa-f]', r'A X c G') A{ }{X}{ }c{ }{G} Digit character class: "\d" The set of decimal digits. Same as "[0-9]". Non-digit character class: "\D" The set of all characters -except- decimal digits. Same as "[^0-9]". Alphanumeric character class: "\w" The set of alphanumeric characters. If re.LOCALE and re.UNICODE modifiers are -not- set, this is the same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Otherwise, the set includes any other alphanumeric characters appropriate to the locale or with an indicated Unicode character property of alphanumeric. Non-alphanumeric character class: "\W" The set of nonalphanumeric characters. If re.LOCALE and re.UNICODE modifiers are -not- set, this is the same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_]. Otherwise, the set includes any other characters not indicated by the locale or Unicode character properties as alphanumeric. Whitespace character class: "\s" The set of whitespace characters. Same as "[ \t\n\r\f\v]". Non-whitespace character class: "\S" The set of non-whitespace characters. Same as "[^ \t\n\r\f\v]". Wildcard character: "." The period matches any single character at a position. If the re.DOTALL modifier is specified, "." will match a newline. Otherwise, it will match anything other than a newline. Beginning of line: "^" The caret will match the beginning of the target string. If the re.MULTILINE modifier is specified, "^" will match the beginning of each line within the target string. Beginning of string: "\A" The "\A" will match the beginning of the target string. If the re.MULTILINE modifier is -not- specified, "\A" behaves the same as "^". But even if the modifier is used, "\A" will match only the beginning of the entire target. End of line: "$" The dollar sign will match the end of the target string. If the re.MULTILINE modifier is specified, "$" will match the end of each line within the target string. End of string: "\Z" The "\Z" will match the end of the target string. If the re.MULTILINE modifier is -not- specified, "\Z" behaves the same as "$". But even if the modifier is used, "\Z" will match only the end of the entire target. Word boundary: "\b" The "\b" will match the beginning or end of a word (where a word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters according to the current modifiers). Like "^" and "$", "\b" is a zero-width match. Non-word boundary: "\B" The "\B" will match any position that is -not- the beginning or end of a word (where a word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters according to the current modifiers). Like "^" and "$", "\B" is a zero-width match. Alternation operator: "|" The pipe symbol indicates a choice of multiple atoms in a position. Any of the atoms (including groups) separated by a pipe will match. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'A|c|G', r'A X c G') {A} X {c} {G} >>> re_show(r'(abc)|(xyz)', 'abc efg xyz lmn') {abc} efg {xyz} lmn QUANTIFIERS: Universal quantifier: "*" Match zero or more occurrences of the preceding atom. The "*" quantifier is happy to match an empty string. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a* ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') { }{a }{aa }{aaa }{aaaa }b Non-greedy universal quantifier: "*?" Match zero or more occurrences of the preceding atom, but try to match as few occurrences as allowable. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('<.*>', '<> Text') {<> Text} >>> re_show('<.*?>', '<> Text') {<>} {}Text{} Existential quantifier: "+" Match one or more occurrences of the preceding atom. A pattern must actually occur in the target string to satisfy the "+" quantifier. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a+ ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') {a }{aa }{aaa }{aaaa }b Non-greedy existential quantifier: "+?" Match one or more occurrences of the preceding atom, but try to match as few occurrences as allowable. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('<.+>', '<> Text') {<> Text} >>> re_show('<.+?>', '<> Text') {<> }Text{} Potentiality quantifier: "?" Match zero or one occurrence of the preceding atom. The "?" quantifier is happy to match an empty string. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a? ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') { }{a }a{a }aa{a }aaa{a }b Non-greedy potentiality quantifier: "??" Match zero or one occurrences of the preceding atom, but match zero if possible. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(' a?', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') { a}{ a}a{ a}aa{ a}aaa{ }b >>> re_show(' a??', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') { }a{ }aa{ }aaa{ }aaaa{ }b Exact numeric quantifier: "{num}" Match exactly 'num' occurrences of the preceding atom. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a{3} ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') a aa {aaa }a{aaa }b Lower-bound quantifier: "{min,}" Match -at least- 'min' occurrences of the preceding atom. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a{3,} ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') a aa {aaa }{aaaa }b Bounded numeric quantifier: "{min,max}" Match -at least- 'min' and -no more than- 'max' occurrences of the preceding atom. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show('a{2,3} ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') a {aa }{aaa }a{aaa } Non-greedy bounded quantifier: "{min,max}?" Match -at least- 'min' and -no more than- 'max' occurrences of the preceding atom, but try to match as few occurrences as allowable. Scanning is from the left, so a nonminimal match may be produced in terms of right-side groupings. For example: >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(' a{2,4}?', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') a{ aa}{ aa}a{ aa}aa b >>> re_show('a{2,4}? ', ' a aa aaa aaaa b') a {aa }{aaa }{aaaa }b GROUP-LIKE PATTERNS: Python regular expressions may contain a number of pseudo-group elements that condition matches in some manner. With the exception of named groups, pseudo-groups are not counted in backreferencing. All pseudo-group patterns have the form "(?...)". Pattern modifiers: "(?Limsux)" The pattern modifiers should occur at the very beginning of a regular expression pattern. One or more letters in the set "Limsux" may be included. If pattern modifiers are given, the interpretation of the pattern is changed globally. See the discussion of modifier constants below or the tutorial for details. Comments: "(?#...)" Create a comment inside a pattern. The comment is not enumerated in backreferences and has no effect on what is matched. In most cases, use of the "(?x)" modifier allows for more clearly formatted comments than does "(?#...)". >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'The(?#words in caps) Cat', 'The Cat in the Hat') {The Cat} in the Hat Non-backreferenced atom: "(?:...)" Match the pattern "...", but do not include the matched string as a backreferencable group. Moreover, methods like `` will not see the pattern inside non-backreferenced atom. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'(?:\w+) (\w+).* \1', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc xyz xyz} abc >>> re_show(r'(\w+) (\w+).* \1', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc xyz xyz abc} Positive Lookahead assertion: "(?=...)" Match the entire pattern only if the subpattern "..." occurs next. But do not include the target substring matched by "..." as part of the match (however, some other subpattern may claim the same characters, or some of them). >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'\w+ (?=xyz)', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc }{xyz }xyz abc Negative Lookahead assertion: "(?!...)" Match the entire pattern only if the subpattern "..." does -not- occur next. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'\w+ (?!xyz)', 'abc xyz xyz abc') abc xyz {xyz }abc Positive Lookbehind assertion: "(?<=...)" Match the rest of the entire pattern only if the subpattern "..." occurs immediately prior to the current match point. But do not include the target substring matched by "..." as part of the match (the same characters may or may not be claimed by some prior group(s) in the entire pattern). The pattern "..." must match a fixed number of characters and therefore not contain general quantifiers. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'\w+(?<=[A-Z]) ', 'Words THAT end in capS X') Words {THAT }end in {capS }X Negative Lookbehind assertion: "(?>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'\w+(?)" Create a group that can be referred to by the name 'name' as well as in enumerated backreferences. The forms below are equivalent. >>> from re_show import re_show >>> re_show(r'(\w+) (\w+).* \1', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc xyz xyz abc} >>> re_show(r'(?P\w+) (\w+).* (?P=first)', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc xyz xyz abc} >>> re_show(r'(?P\w+) (\w+).* \1', 'abc xyz xyz abc') {abc xyz xyz abc} Named group backreference: "(?P=name)" Backreference a group by the name 'name' rather than by escaped group number. The group name must have been defined earlier by "(?P)", or an error is raised. CONSTANTS: A number of constants are defined in the [re] modules that act as modifiers to many [re] functions. These constants are independent bit-values, so that multiple modifiers may be selected by bitwise disjunction of modifiers. For example: >>> import re >>> c = re.compile('cat|dog', re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) re.I, re.IGNORECASE Modifier for case-insensitive matching. Lowercase and uppercase letters are interchangeable in patterns modified with this modifier. The prefix '(?i)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.L, re.LOCALE Modifier for locale-specific matching of '\w', '\W', '\b', and '\B'. The prefix '(?L)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.M, re.MULTILINE Modifier to make '^' and '$' match the beginning and end, respectively, of -each- line in the target string rather than the beginning and end of the entire target string. The prefix '(?m)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.S, re.DOTALL Modifier to allow '.' to match a newline character. Otherwise, '.' matches every character -except- newline characters. The prefix '(?s)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.U, re.UNICODE Modifier for Unicode-property matching of '\w', '\W', '\b', and '\B'. Only relevant for Unicode targets. The prefix '(?u)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.X, re.VERBOSE Modifier to allow patterns to contain insignificant whitespace and end-of-line comments. Can significantly improve readability of patterns. The prefix '(?x)' may also be used inside the pattern to achieve the same effect. re.engine The regular expression engine currently in use. Only supported in Python 2.0+, where it normally is set to the string 'sre'. The presence and value of this constant can be checked to make sure which underlying implementation is running, but this check is rarely necessary. FUNCTIONS: For all [re] functions, where a regular expression pattern 'pattern' is an argument, 'pattern' may be either a compiled regular expression or a string. re.escape(s) Return a string with all non-alphanumeric characters escaped. This (slightly scattershot) conversion makes an arbitrary string suitable for use in a regular expression pattern (matching all literals in original string). >>> import re >>> print re.escape("(*@&^$@|") \(\*\@\&\^\$\@\| re.findall(pattern=..., string=...) Return a list of all nonoverlapping occurrences of 'pattern' in 'string'. If 'pattern' consists of several groups, return a list of tuples where each tuple contains a match for each group. Length-zero matches are included in the returned list, if they occur. >>> import re >>> re.findall(r'\b[a-z]+\d+\b', 'abc123 xyz666 lmn-11 def77') ['abc123', 'xyz666', 'def77'] >>> re.findall(r'\b([a-z]+)(\d+)\b', 'abc123 xyz666 lmn-11 def77') [('abc', '123'), ('xyz', '666'), ('def', '77')] SEE ALSO, ``, `mx.TextTools.findall()` re.purge() Clear the regular expression cache. The [re] module keeps a cache of implicitly compiled regular expression patterns. The number of patterns cached differs between Python versions, with more recent versions generally keeping 100 items in the cache. When the cache space becomes full, it is flushed automatically. You could use `re.purge()` to tune the timing of cache flushes. However, such tuning is approximate at best: patterns that are used repeatedly are much better off explicitly compiled with `re.compile()` and then used explicitly as named objects. re.split(pattern=..., string=... [,maxsplit=0]) Return a list of substrings of the second argument 'string'. The first argument 'pattern' is a regular expression that delimits the substrings. If 'pattern' contains groups, the groups are included in the resultant list. Otherwise, those substrings that match 'pattern' are dropped, and only the substrings between occurrences of 'pattern' are returned. If the third argument 'maxsplit' is specified as a positive integer, no more than 'maxsplit' items are parsed into the list, with any leftover contained in the final list element. >>> import re >>> re.split(r'\s+', 'The Cat in the Hat') ['The', 'Cat', 'in', 'the', 'Hat'] >>> re.split(r'\s+', 'The Cat in the Hat', maxsplit=3) ['The', 'Cat', 'in', 'the Hat'] >>> re.split(r'(\s+)', 'The Cat in the Hat') ['The', ' ', 'Cat', ' ', 'in', ' ', 'the', ' ', 'Hat'] >>> re.split(r'(a)(t)', 'The Cat in the Hat') ['The C', 'a', 't', ' in the H', 'a', 't', ''] >>> re.split(r'a(t)', 'The Cat in the Hat') ['The C', 't', ' in the H', 't', ''] SEE ALSO, `string.split()` re.sub(pattern=..., repl=..., string=... [,count=0]) Return the string produced by replacing every nonoverlapping occurrence of the first argument 'pattern' with the second argument 'repl' in the third argument 'string'. If the fourth argument 'count' is specified, no more than 'count' replacements will be made. The second argument 'repl' is most often a regular expression pattern as a string. Backreferences to groups matched by 'pattern' may be referred to by enumerated backreferences using the usual escaped numbers. If backreferences in 'pattern' are named, they may also be referred to using the form "\g" (where 'name' is the name given the group in 'pat'). As well, enumerated backreferences may optionally be referred to using the form "\g", where 'num' is an integer between 1 and 99. Some examples: >>> import re >>> s = 'abc123 xyz666 lmn-11 def77' >>> re.sub(r'\b([a-z]+)(\d+)', r'\2\1 :', s) '123abc : 666xyz : lmn-11 77def :' >>> re.sub(r'\b(?P[a-z]+)(?P\d+)', r'\g\g<1> :', s) '123abc : 666xyz : lmn-11 77def :' >>> re.sub('A', 'X', 'AAAAAAAAAA', count=4) 'XXXXAAAAAA' A variant manner of calling `re.sub()` uses a function object as the second argument 'repl'. Such a callback function should take a MatchObject as an argument and return a string. The 'repl' function is invoked for each match of 'pattern', and the string it returns is substituted in the result for whatever 'pattern' matched. For example: >>> import re >>> sub_cb = lambda pat: '('+`len(`+')' >>> re.sub(r'\w+', sub_cb, 'The length of each word') '(3)The (6)length (2)of (4)each (4)word' Of course, if 'repl' is a function object, you can take advantage of side effects rather than (or instead of) simply returning modified strings. For example: >>> import re >>> def side_effects(match): ... # Arbitrarily complicated behavior could go here... ... print len(, ... return # unchanged match ... >>> new = re.sub(r'\w+', side_effects, 'The length of each word') 3 The 6 length 2 of 4 each 4 word >>> new 'The length of each word' Variants on callbacks with side effects could be turned into complete string-driven programs (in principle, a parser and execution environment for a whole programming language could be contained in the callback function, for example). SEE ALSO, `string.replace()` re.subn(pattern=..., repl=..., string=... [,count=0]) Identical to `re.sub()`, except return a 2-tuple with the new string and the number of replacements made. >>> import re >>> s = 'abc123 xyz666 lmn-11 def77' >>> re.subn(r'\b([a-z]+)(\d+)', r'\2\1 :', s) ('123abc : 666xyz : lmn-11 77def :', 3) SEE ALSO, `re.sub()` CLASS FACTORIES: As with some other Python modules, primarily ones written in C, [re] does not contain true classes that can be specialized. Instead, [re] has several factory-functions that return instance objects. The practical difference is small for most users, who will simply use the methods and attributes of returned instances in the same manner as those produced by true classes. re.compile(pattern=... [,flags=...]) Return a PatternObject based on pattern string 'pattern'. If the second argument 'flags' is specified, use the modifiers indicated by 'flags'. A PatternObject is interchangeable with a pattern string as an argument to [re] functions. However, a pattern that will be used frequently within an application should be compiled in advance to assure that it will not need recompilation during execution. Moreover, a compiled PatternObject has a number of methods and attributes that achieve effects equivalent to [re] functions, but which are somewhat more readable in some contexts. For example: >>> import re >>> word = re.compile('[A-Za-z]+') >>> word.findall('The Cat in the Hat') ['The', 'Cat', 'in', 'the', 'Hat'] >>> re.findall(word, 'The Cat in the Hat') ['The', 'Cat', 'in', 'the', 'Hat'] re.match(pattern=..., string=... [,flags=...]) Return a MatchObject if an initial substring of the second argument 'string' matches the pattern in the first argument 'pattern'. Otherwise return None. A MatchObject, if returned, has a variety of methods and attributes to manipulate the matched pattern--but notably a MatchObject is -not- itself a string. Since `re.match()` only matches initial substrings, `` is more general. `` can be constrained to itself match only initial substrings by prepending "\A" to the pattern matched. SEE ALSO, ``, `re.compile.match()`, string=... [,flags=...]) Return a MatchObject corresponding to the leftmost substring of the second argument 'string' that matches the pattern in the first argument 'pattern'. If no match is possible, return None. A matched string can be of zero length if the pattern allows that (usually not what is actually desired). A MatchObject, if returned, has a variety of methods and attributes to manipulate the matched pattern--but notably a MatchObject is -not- itself a string. SEE ALSO, `re.match()`, `` METHODS AND ATTRIBUTES: re.compile.findall(s) Return a list of nonoverlapping occurrences of the PatternObject in 's'. Same as 're.findall()' called with the PatternObject. SEE ALSO `re.findall()` re.compile.flags The numeric sum of the flags passed to `re.compile()` in creating the PatternObject. No formal guarantee is given by Python as to the values assigned to modifier flags, however. For example: >>> import re >>> re.I,re.L,re.M,re.S,re.X (2, 4, 8, 16, 64) >>> c = re.compile('a', re.I | re.M) >>> c.flags 10 re.compile.groupindex A dictionary mapping group names to group numbers. If no named groups are used in the pattern, the dictionary is empty. For example: >>> import re >>> c = re.compile(r'(\d+)(\[A-Z]+)([a-z]+)') >>> c.groupindex {} >>> c = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)(?P\[A-Z]+)(?P[a-z]+)') >>> c.groupindex {'nums': 1, 'caps': 2, 'lowers': 3} re.compile.match(s [,start [,end]]) Return a MatchObject if an initial substring of the first argument 's' matches the PatternObject. Otherwise, return None. A MatchObject, if returned, has a variety of methods and attributes to manipulate the matched pattern--but notably a MatchObject is -not- itself a string. In contrast to the similar function `re.match()`, this method accepts optional second and third arguments 'start' and 'end' that limit the match to substring within 's'. In most respects specifying 'start' and 'end' is similar to taking a slice of 's' as the first argument. But when 'start' and 'end' are used, "^" will only match the true start of 's'. For example: >>> import re >>> s = 'abcdefg' >>> c = re.compile('^b') >>> print c.match(s, 1) None >>> c.match(s[1:]) >>> c = re.compile('.*f$') >>> c.match(s[:-1]) >>> c.match(s,1,6) SEE ALSO, `re.match()`, `` re.compile.pattern The pattern string underlying the compiled MatchObject. >>> import re >>> c = re.compile('^abc$') >>> c.pattern '^abc$' [,start [,end]]) Return a MatchObject corresponding to the leftmost substring of the first argument 'string' that matches the PatternObject. If no match is possible, return None. A matched string can be of zero length if the pattern allows that (usually not what is actually desired). A MatchObject, if returned, has a variety of methods and attributes to manipulate the matched pattern--but notably a MatchObject is -not- itself a string. In contrast to the similar function ``, this method accepts optional second and third arguments 'start' and 'end' that limit the match to a substring within 's'. In most respects specifying 'start' and 'end' is similar to taking a slice of 's' as the first argument. But when 'start' and 'end' are used, "^" will only match the true start of 's'. For example: >>> import re >>> s = 'abcdefg' >>> c = re.compile('^b') >>> c = re.compile('^b') >>> print, 1),[1:]) None >>> c = re.compile('.*f$') >>> print[:-1]),,1,6) SEE ALSO, ``, `re.compile.match()` re.compile.split(s [,maxsplit]) Return a list of substrings of the first argument 's'. If thePatternObject contains groups, the groups are included in the resultant list. Otherwise, those substrings that match PatternObject are dropped, and only the substrings between occurrences of 'pattern' are returned. If the second argument 'maxsplit' is specified as a positive integer, no more than 'maxsplit' items are parsed into the list, with any leftover contained in the final list element. `re.compile.split()` is identical in behavior to `re.split()`, simply spelled slightly differently. See the documentation of the latter for examples of usage. SEE ALSO, `re.split()` re.compile.sub(repl, s [,count=0]) Return the string produced by replacing every nonoverlapping occurrence of the PatternObject with the first argument 'repl' in the second argument 'string'. If the third argument 'count' is specified, no more than 'count' replacements will be made. The first argument 'repl' may be either a regular expression pattern as a string or a callback function. Backreferences may be named or enumerated. `re.compile.sub()` is identical in behavior to `re.sub()`, simply spelled slightly differently. See the documentation of the latter for a number of examples of usage. SEE ALSO, `re.sub()`, `re.compile.subn()` re.compile.subn() Identical to `re.compile.sub()`, except return a 2-tuple with the new string and the number of replacements made. `re.compile.subn()` is identical in behavior to `re.subn()`, simply spelled slightly differently. See the documentation of the latter for examples of usage. SEE ALSO, `re.subn()`, `re.compile.sub()` Note: The arguments to each "MatchObject" method are listed on the `re.match()` line, with ellipses given on the `` line. All arguments are identical since `re.match()` and `` return the very same type of object. re.match.end([group]) The index of the end of the target substring matched by the MatchObject. If the argument 'group' is specified, return the ending index of that specific enumerated group. Otherwise, return the ending index of group 0 (i.e., the whole match). If 'group' exists but is the part of an alternation operator that is not used in the current match, return -1. If `` returns the same non-negative value as ``, then 'group' is a zero-width substring. >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+)((\d*)| )(\w+)','The Cat in the Hat') >>> m.groups() ('The', ' ', None, 'Cat') >>> m.end(0), m.end(1), m.end(2), m.end(3), m.end(4) (7, 3, 4, -1, 7) re.match.endpos, The end position of the search. If `` specified an 'end' argument, this is the value, otherwise it is the length of the target string. If `` or `re.match()` are used for the search, the value is always the length of the target string. SEE ALSO, ``, ``, `re.match()` re.match.expand(template) Expand backreferences and escapes in the argument 'template' based on the patterns matched by the MatchObject. The expansion rules are the same as for the 'repl' argument to `re.sub()`. Any nonescaped characters may also be included as part of the resultant string. For example: >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+) (\w+)','The Cat in the Hat') >>> m.expand(r'\g<2> : \1') 'Cat : The'[group [,...]]) Return a group or groups from the MatchObject. If no arguments are specified, return the entire matched substring. If one argument 'group' is specified, return the corresponding substring of the target string. If multiple arguments 'group1, group2, ...' are specified, return a tuple of corresponding substrings of the target. >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+)(/)(\d+)','abc/123') >>> 'abc/123' >>> 'abc' >>>,3) ('abc', '123') SEE ALSO, ``, `` re.match.groupdict([defval]) Return a dictionary whose keys are the named groups in the pattern used for the match. Enumerated but unnamed groups are not included in the returned dictionary. The values of the dictionary are the substrings matched by each group in the MatchObject. If a named group is part of an alternation operator that is not used in the current match, the value corresponding to that key is None, or 'defval' if an argument is specified. >>> import re >>> m ='(?P\w+)((?P\t)|( ))(?P\d+)','abc 123') >>> m.groupdict() {'one': 'abc', 'tab': None, 'two': '123'} >>> m.groupdict('---') {'one': 'abc', 'tab': '---', 'two': '123'} SEE ALSO, `` re.match.groups([defval]) Return a tuple of the substrings matched by groups in the MatchObject. If a group is part of an alternation operator that is not used in the current match, the tuple element at that index is None, or 'defval' if an argument is specified. >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+)((\t)|(/))(\d+)','abc/123') >>> m.groups() ('abc', '/', None, '/', '123') >>> m.groups('---') ('abc', '/', '---', '/', '123') SEE ALSO, ``, `` re.match.lastgroup, The name of the last matching group, or None if the last group is not named or if no groups compose the match. re.match.lastindex, The index of the last matching group, or None if no groups compose the match. re.match.pos, The start position of the search. If `` specified a 'start' argument, this is the value, otherwise it is 0. If `` or `re.match()` are used for the search, the value is always 0. SEE ALSO, ``, ``, `re.match()`, The PatternObject used to produce the match. The actual regular expression pattern string must be retrieved from the PatternObject's 'pattern' method: >>> import re >>> m ='a','The Cat in the Hat') >>> 'a' re.match.span([group]) Return the tuple composed of the return values of '' and ''. If the argument 'group' is not specified, it defaults to 0. >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+)((\d*)| )(\w+)','The Cat in the Hat') >>> m.groups() ('The', ' ', None, 'Cat') >>> m.span(0), m.span(1), m.span(2), m.span(3), m.span(4) ((0, 7), (0, 3), (3, 4), (-1, -1), (4, 7)) re.match.start([group]) The index of the end of the target substring matched by the MatchObject. If the argument 'group' is specified, return the ending index of that specific enumerated group. Otherwise, return the ending index of group 0 (i.e., the whole match). If 'group' exists but is the part of an alternation operator that is not used in the current match, return -1. If `` returns the same non-negative value as ``, then 'group' is a zero-width substring. >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+)((\d*)| )(\w+)','The Cat in the Hat') >>> m.groups() ('The', ' ', None, 'Cat') >>> m.start(0), m.start(1), m.start(2), m.start(3), m.start(4) (0, 0, 3, -1, 4) re.match.string, The target string in which the match occurs. >>> import re >>> m ='a','The Cat in the Hat') >>> m.string 'The Cat in the Hat' EXCEPTIONS: re.error Exception raised when an invalid regular expression string is passed to a function that would produce a compiled regular expression (including implicitly).