CHAPTER V -- INTERNET TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Be strict in what you send, and lenient in what you accept. -- Internet Engineering Task Force Internet protocols in large measure are descriptions of textual formats. At the lowest level, TCP/IP is a binary protocol, but virtually every layer run on top of TCP/IP consists of textual messages exchanged between servers and clients. Some basic messages govern control, handshaking, and authentication issues, but the information content of the Internet predominantly consists of texts formatted according to two or three general patterns. The handshaking and control aspects of Internet protocols usually consist of short commands--and sometimes challenges--sent during an initial conversation between a client and server. Fortunately for Python programmers, the Python standard library contains intermediate-level modules to support all the most popular communication protocols: [poplib], [smtplib], [ftplib], [httplib], [telnetlib], [gopherlib], and [imaplib]. If you want to use any of these protocols, you can simply provide required setup information, then call module functions or classes to handle all the lower-level interaction. Unless you want to do something exotic--such as programming a custom or less common network protocol--there is never a need to utilize the lower-level services of the [socket] module. The communication level of Internet protocols is not primarily a text processing issue. Where text processing comes in is with parsing and production of compliant texts, to contain the -content- of these protocols. Each protocol is characterized by one or a few message types that are typically transmitted over the protocol. For example, POP3, NNTP, IMAP4, and SMTP protocols are centrally means of transmitting texts that conform to RFC-822, its updates, and associated RFCs. HTTP is firstly a means of transmitting Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) messages. Following the popularity of the World Wide Web, however, a dizzying array of other message types also travel over HTTP: graphic and sounds formats, proprietary multimedia plug-ins, executable byte-codes (e.g., Java or Jython), and also more textual formats like XML-RPC and SOAP. The most widespread text format on the Internet is almost certainly human-readable and human-composed notes that follow RFC-822 and friends. The basic form of such a text is a series of headers, each beginning a line and separated from a value by a colon; after a header comes a blank line; and after that a message body. In the simplest case, a message body is just free-form text; but MIME headers can be used to nest structured and diverse contents within a message body. Email and (Usenet) discussion groups follow this format. Even other protocols, like HTTP, share a top envelope structure with RFC-822. A strong second as Internet text formats go is HTML. And in third place after that is XML, in various dialects. HTML, of course, is the lingua franca of the Web; XML is a more general standard for defining custom "applications" or "dialects," of which HTML is (almost) one. In either case, rather than a header composed of line-oriented fields followed by a body, HTML/XML contain hierarchically nested "tags" with each tag indicated by surrounding angle brackets. Tags like HTML's '', '', and '
' will be familiar already to most readers of this book. In any case, Python has a strong collection of tools in its standard library for parsing and producing HTML and XML text documents. In the case of XML, some of these tools assist with specific XML dialects, while lower-level underlying libraries treat XML sui generis. In some cases, third-party modules fill gaps in the standard library. Various Python Internet modules are covered in varying depth in this chapter. Every tool that comes with the Python standard library is examined at least in summary. Those tools that I feel are of greatest importance to application programmers (in text processing applications) are documented in fair detail and accompanied by usage examples, warnings, and tips. SECTION 1 -- Working with Email and Newsgroups ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python provides extensive support in its standard library for working with email (and newsgroup) messages. There are three general aspects to working with email, each supported by one or more Python modules. 1. Communicating with network servers to actually transmit and receive messages. The modules [poplib], [imaplib], [smtplib], and [nntplib] each address the protocol contained in its name. These tasks do not have a lot to do with text processing per se, but are often important for applications that deal with email. The discussion of each of these modules is incomplete, addressing only those methods necessary to conduct basic transactions in the case of the first three modules/protocols. The module [nntplib] is not documented here under the assumption that email is more likely to be automatically processed than are Usenet articles. Indeed, robot newsgroup posters are almost always frowned upon, while automated mailing is frequently desirable (within limits). 2. Examining the contents of message folders. Various email and news clients store messages in a variety of formats, many providing hierarchical and structured folders. The module [mailbox] provides a uniform API for reading the messages stored in all the most popular folder formats. In a way, [imaplib] serves an overlapping purpose, insofar as an IMAP4 server can also structure folder, but folder manipulation with IMAP4 is discussed only cursorily--that topic also falls afield of text processing. However, local mailbox folders are definitely text formats, and [mailbox] makes manipulating them a lot easier. 3. The core text processing task in working with email is parsing, modifying, and creating the actual messages. RFC-822 describes a format for email messages and is the lingua franca for Internet communication. Not every Mail User Agent (MUA) and Mail Transport Agent (MTA) strictly conforms to the RFC-822 (and superset/clarification RFC-2822) standard--but they all generally try to do so. The newer [email] package and the older [rfc822], [rfc1822], [mimify], [mimetools], [MimeWriter], and [multifile] modules all deal with parsing and processing email messages. Although existing applications are likely to use [rfc822], [mimify], [mimetools], [MimeWriter], and [multifile], the package [email] contains more up-to-date and better-designed implementations of the same capabilities. The former modules are discussed only in synopsis while the various subpackages of [email] are documented in detail. There is one aspect of working with email that all good-hearted people wish was unnecessary. Unfortunately, in the real-world, a large percentage of email is spam, viruses, and frauds; any application that works with collections of messages practically demands a way to filter out the junk messages. While this topic generally falls outside the scope of this discussion, readers might benefit from my article, "Spam Filtering Techniques," at: . A flexible Python project for statistical analysis of message corpora, based on naive Bayesian and related models, is SpamBayes: TOPIC -- Manipulating and Creating Message Texts -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= PACKAGE -- email : Work with email messages ================================================================= Without repeating the whole of RFC-2822, it is worth mentioning the basic structure of an email or newsgroup message. Messages may themselves be stored in larger text files that impose larger-level structure, but here we are concerned with the structure of a single message. An RFC-2822 message, like most Internet protocols, has a textual format, often restricted to true 7-bit ASCII. A message consists of a header and a body. A body in turn can contain one or more "payloads." In fact, MIME 'multipart/*' type payloads can themselves contain nested payloads, but such nesting is comparatively unusual in practice. In textual terms, each payload in a body is divided by a simple, but fairly long, delimiter; however, the delimiter is pseudo-random, and you need to examine the header to find it. A given payload can either contain text or binary data using base64, quoted printable, or another ASCII encoding (even 8-bit, which is not generally safe across the Internet). Text payloads may either have MIME type 'text/*' or compose the whole of a message body (without any payload delimiter). An RFC-2822 header consists of a series of fields. Each field name begins at the beginning of a line and is followed by a colon and a space. The field value comes after the field name, starting on the same line, but potentially spanning subsequence lines. A continued field value cannot be left aligned, but must instead be indented with at least one space or tab. There are some moderately complicated rules about when field contents can split between lines, often dependent upon the particular type of value a field holds. Most field names occur only once in a header (or not at all), and in those cases their order of occurrence is not important to email or news applications. However, a few field names--notably 'Received'--typically occur multiple times and in a significant order. Complicating headers further, field values can contain encoded strings from outside the ASCII character set. The most important element of the [email] package is the class `email.Message.Message`, whose instances provide a data structure and convenience methods suited to the generic structure of RFC-2822 messages. Various capabilities for dealing with different parts of a message, and for parsing a whole message into an `email.Message.Message` object, are contained in subpackages of the [email] package. Some of the most common facilities are wrapped in convenience functions in the top-level namespace. A version of the [email] package was introduced into the standard library with Python 2.1. However, [email] has been independently upgraded and developed between Python releases. At the time this chapter was written, the current release of [email] was 2.4.3, and this discussion reflects that version (and those API details that the author thinks are most likely to remain consistent in later versions). I recommend that, rather than simply use the version accompanying your Python installation, you download the latest version of the [email] package from if you intend to use this package. The current (and expected future) version of the [email] package is directly compatible with Python versions back to 2.1. See this book's Web site, , for instructions on using [email] with Python 2.0. The package is incompatible with versions of Python before 2.0. CLASSES: Several children of `email.Message.Message` allow you to easily construct message objects with special properties and convenient initialization arguments. Each such class is technically contained in a module named in the same way as the class rather than directly in the [email] namespace, but each is very similar to the others. email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase(maintype, subtype, **params) Construct a message object with a 'Content-Type' header already built. Generally this class is used only as a parent for further subclasses, but you may use it directly if you wish: >>> mess = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase('text','html',charset='us-ascii') >>> print mess From nobody Tue Nov 12 03:32:33 2002 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 email.MIMENonMultipart.MIMENonMultipart(maintype, subtype, **params) Child of `email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase`, but raises 'MultipartConversionError' on calls to '.attach()'. Generally this class is used for further subclassing. email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart([subtype="mixed" [boundary, -¯ [,*subparts [,**params]]]]) Construct a multipart message object with subtype 'subtype'. You may optionally specify a boundary with the argument 'boundary', but specifying 'None' will cause a unique boundary to be calculated. If you wish to populate the message with payload object, specify them as additional arguments. Keyword arguments are taken as parameters to the 'Content-Type' header. >>> from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase >>> from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart >>> mess = MIMEBase('audio','midi') >>> combo = MIMEMultipart('mixed', None, mess, charset='utf-8') >>> print combo From nobody Tue Nov 12 03:50:50 2002 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; charset="utf-8"; boundary="===============5954819931142521==" MIME-Version: 1.0  --===============5954819931142521== Content-Type: audio/midi MIME-Version: 1.0  --===============5954819931142521==-- email.MIMEAudio.MIMEAudio(audiodata [,subtype [,encoder [,**params]]]) Construct a single part message object that holds audio data. The audio data stream is specified as a string in the argument 'audiodata'. The Python standard library module [sndhdr] is used to detect the signature of the audio subtype, but you may explicitly specify the argument 'subtype' instead. An encoder other than base64 may be specified with the 'encoder' argument (but usually should not be). Keyword arguments are taken as parameters to the 'Content-Type' header. >>> from email.MIMEAudio import MIMEAudio >>> mess = MIMEAudio(open('melody.midi').read()) SEE ALSO, `sndhdr` email.MIMEImage.MIMEImage(imagedata [,subtype [,encoder [,**params]]]) Construct a single part message object that holds image data. The image data is specified as a string in the argument 'imagedata'. The Python standard library module [imghdr] is used to detect the signature of the image subtype, but you may explicitly specify the argument 'subtype' instead. An encoder other than base64 may be specified with the 'encoder' argument (but usually should not be). Keyword arguments are taken as parameters to the 'Content-Type' header. >>> from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage >>> mess = MIMEImage(open('landscape.png').read()) SEE ALSO, `imghdr` email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text [,subtype [,charset]]) Construct a single part message object that holds text data. The data is specified as a string in the argument 'text'. A character set may be specified in the 'charset' argument: >>> from email.MIMEText import MIMEText >>> mess = MIMEText(open('TPiP.tex').read(),'latex') FUNCTIONS: email.message_from_file(file [,_class=email.Message.Message [,strict=0]]) Return a message object based on the message text contained in the file-like object 'file'. This function call is exactly equivalent to: #*---------------- Underlying constructor ----------------# email.Parser.Parser(_class, strict).parse(file) SEE ALSO, `email.Parser.Parser.parse()` email.message_from_string(s [,_class=email.Message.Message [,strict=0]]) Return a message object based on the message text contained in the string 's'. This function call is exactly equivalent to: #*---------------- Underlying constructor ----------------# email.Parser.Parser(_class, strict).parsestr(file) SEE ALSO, `email.Parser.Parser.parsestr()` ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Encoders : Encoding message payloads ================================================================= The module [email.Encoder] contains several functions to encode message bodies of single part message objects. Each of these functions sets the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' header to an appropriate value after encoding the body. The 'decode' argument of the '.get_payload()' message method can be used to retrieve unencoded text bodies. FUNCTIONS: email.Encoders.encode_quopri(mess) Encode the message body of message object 'mess' using quoted printable encoding. Also sets the header 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'. email.Encoders.encode_base64(mess) Encode the message body of message object 'mess' using base64 encoding. Also sets the header 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'. email.Encoders.encode_7or8bit(mess) Set the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' to '7bit' or '8bit' based on the message payload; does not modify the payload itself. If 'mess' already has a 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' header, calling this will create a second one--it is probably best to delete the old one before calling this function. SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.get_payload()`, [quopri], [base64] ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Errors : Exceptions for [email] package ================================================================= Exceptions within the [email] package will raise specific errors and may be caught at the desired level of generality. The exception hierarchy of [email.Errors] is shown in Figure 5.1. #----- Standard email.Errors exceptions -----# <> SEE ALSO, [exceptions] ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Generator : Create text representation of messages ================================================================= The module [email.Generator] provides support for the serialization of `email.Message.Message` objects. In principle, you could create other tools to output message objects to specialized formats--for example, you might use the fields of an `email.Message.Message` object to store values to an XML format or to an RDBMS. But in practice, you almost always want to write message objects to standards-compliant RFC-2822 message texts. Several of the methods of `email.Message.Message` automatically utilize [email.Generator]. CLASSES: email.Generator.Generator(file [,mangle_from_=1 [,maxheaderlen=78]]) Construct a generator instance that writes to the file-like object 'file'. If the argument 'mangle_from_' is specified as a true value, any occurrence of a line in the body that begins with the string 'From' followed by a space is prepended with '>'. This (nonreversible) transformation prevents BSD mailboxes from being parsed incorrectly. The argument 'maxheaderlen' specifies where long headers will be split into multiple lines (if such is possible). email.Generator.DecodedGenerator(file [,mangle_from_ [,maxheaderlen [,fmt]]]) Construct a generator instance that writes RFC-2822 messages. This class has the same initializers as its parent `email.Generator.Generator`, with the addition of an optional argument 'fmt'. The class `email.Generator.DecodedGenerator` only writes out the contents of 'text/*' parts of a multipart message payload. Nontext parts are replaced with the string 'fmt', which may contain keyword replacement values. For example, the default value of 'fmt' is: #*--------------- Default 'fmt' string ------------------# [Non-text (%(type)s) part of message omitted, filename %(filename)s] Any of the keywords 'type', 'maintype', 'subtype', 'filename', 'description', or 'encoding' may be used as keyword replacements in the string 'fmt'. If any of these values is undefined by the payload, a simple description of its unavailability is substituted. METHODS: email.Generator.Generator.clone() email.Generator.DecodedGenerator.clone() Return a copy of the instance with the same options. email.Generator.Generator.flatten(mess [,unixfrom=0]) email.Generator.DecodedGenerator.flatten(mess [,unixfrom=0]) Write an RFC-2822 serialization of message object 'mess' to the file-like object the instance was initialized with. If the argument 'unixfrom' is specified as a true value, the BSD mailbox 'From_' header is included in the serialization. email.Generator.Generator.write(s) email.Generator.DecodedGenerator.write(s) Write the string 's' to the file-like object the instance was initialized with. This lets a generator object itself act in a file-like manner, as an implementation convenience. SEE ALSO, [email.Message], [mailbox] ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Header : Manage headers with non-ASCII values ================================================================= The module [email.Charset] provides fine-tuned capabilities for managing character set conversions and maintaining a character set registry. The much higher-level interface provided by [email.Header] provides all the capabilities that almost all users need in a friendlier form. The basic reason why you might want to use the [email.Header] module is because you want to encode multinational (or at least non-US) strings in email headers. Message bodies are somewhat more lenient than headers, but RFC-2822 headers are still restricted to using only 7-bit ASCII to encode other character sets. The module [email.Header] provides a single class and two convenience functions. The encoding of non-ASCII characters in email headers is described in a number of RFCs, including RFC-2045, RFC-2046, RFC-2047, and most directly RFC-2231. CLASSES: email.Header.Header([s="" [,charset [,maxlinelen=76 [,header_name="" -¯ [,continuation_ws=" "]]]]]) Construct an object that holds the string or Unicode string 's'. You may specify an optional 'charset' to use in encoding 's'; absent any argument, either 'us-ascii' or 'utf-8' will be used, as needed. Since the encoded string is intended to be used as an email header, it may be desirable to wrap the string to multiple lines (depending on its length). The argument 'maxlinelen' specifies where the wrapping will occur; 'header_name' is the name of the header you anticipate using the encoded string with--it is significant only for its length. Without a specified 'header_name', no width is set aside for the header field itself. The argument 'continuation_ws' specified what whitespace string should be used to indent continuation lines; it must be a combination of spaces and tabs. Instances of the class `email.Header.Header` implement a '.__str__()' method and therefore respond to the built-in `str()` function and the `print` command. Normally the built-in techniques are more natural, but the method `email.Header.Header.encode()` performs an identical action. As an example, let us first build a non-ASCII string: >>> from unicodedata import lookup >>> lquot = lookup("LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK") >>> rquot = lookup("RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK") >>> s = lquot + "Euro-style" + rquot + " quotation" >>> s u'\xabEuro-style\xbb quotation' >>> print s.encode('iso-8859-1') ÇEuro-styleÈ quotation Using the string 's', let us encode it for an RFC-2822 header: >>> from email.Header import Header >>> print Header(s) =?utf-8?q?=C2=ABEuro-style=C2=BB_quotation?= >>> print Header(s,'iso-8859-1') =?iso-8859-1?q?=ABEuro-style=BB_quotation?= >>> print Header(s,'utf-16') =?utf-16?b?/v8AqwBFAHUAcgBvAC0AcwB0AHkAbABl?= =?utf-16?b?/v8AuwAgAHEAdQBvAHQAYQB0AGkAbwBu?= >>> print Header(s,'us-ascii') =?utf-8?q?=C2=ABEuro-style=C2=BB_quotation?= Notice that in the last case, the `email.Header.Header` initializer did not take too seriously my request for an ASCII character set, since it was not adequate to represent the string. However, the class is happy to skip the encoding strings where they are not needed: >>> print Header('"US-style" quotation') "US-style" quotation >>> print Header('"US-style" quotation','utf-8') =?utf-8?q?=22US-style=22_quotation?= >>> print Header('"US-style" quotation','us-ascii') "US-style" quotation METHODS: email.Header.Header.append(s [,charset]) Add the string or Unicode string 's' to the end of the current instance content, using character set 'charset'. Note that the charset of the added text need not be the same as that of the existing content. >>> subj = Header(s,'latin-1',65) >>> print subj =?iso-8859-1?q?=ABEuro-style=BB_quotation?= >>>, ('GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA') >>> subj.append(', Greek: ', 'us-ascii') >>> subj.append(Omega, 'utf-8') >>> subj.append(omega, 'utf-16') >>> print subj =?iso-8859-1?q?=ABEuro-style=BB_quotation?=, Greek: =?utf-8?b?zqk=?= =?utf-16?b?/v8DyQ==?= >>> unicode(subj) u'\xabEuro-style\xbb quotation, Greek: \u03a9\u03c9' email.Header.Header.encode() email.Header.Header.__str__() Return an ASCII string representation of the instance content. FUNCTIONS: email.Header.decode_header(header) Return a list of pairs describing the components of the RFC-2231 string held in the header object 'header'. Each pair in the list contains a Python string (not Unicode) and an encoding name. >>> email.Header.decode_header(Header('spam and eggs')) [('spam and eggs', None)] >>> print subj =?iso-8859-1?q?=ABEuro-style=BB_quotation?=, Greek: =?utf-8?b?zqk=?= =?utf-16?b?/v8DyQ==?= >>> for tup in email.Header.decode_header(subj): print tup ... ('\xabEuro-style\xbb quotation', 'iso-8859-1') (', Greek:', None) ('\xce\xa9', 'utf-8') ('\xfe\xff\x03\xc9', 'utf-16') These pairs may be used to construct Unicode strings using the built-in `unicode()` function. However, plain ASCII strings show an encoding of 'None', which is not acceptable to the `unicode()` function. >>> for s,enc in email.Header.decode_header(subj): ... enc = enc or 'us-ascii' ... print `unicode(s, enc)` ... u'\xabEuro-style\xbb quotation' u', Greek:' u'\u03a9' u'\u03c9' SEE ALSO, `unicode()`, `email.Header.make_header()` email.Header.make_header(decoded_seq [,maxlinelen [,header_name -¯ [,continuation_ws]]]) Construct a header object from a list of pairs or the type returned by `email.Header.decode_header()`. You may also, of course, easily construct the list 'decoded_seq' manually, or by other means. The arguments 'maxlinelen', 'header_name', and 'continuation_ws' are the same as with this `email.Header.Header` class. >>> email.Header.make_header([('\xce\xa9','utf-8'), ... ('-man','us-ascii')]).encode() '=?utf-8?b?zqk=?=-man' SEE ALSO, `email.Header.decode_header()`, `email.Header.Header` ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Iterators : Iterate through components of messages ================================================================= The module [email.Iterators] provides several convenience functions to walk through messages in ways different from `email.Message.Message.get_payload()` or `email.Message.Message.walk()`. FUNCTIONS: email.Iterators.body_line_iterator(mess) Return a generator object that iterates through each content line of the message object 'mess'. The entire body that would be produced by 'str(mess)' is reached, regardless of the content types and nesting of parts. But any MIME delimiters are omitted from the returned lines. >>> import email.MIMEText, email.Iterators >>> mess1 = email.MIMEText.MIMEText('message one') >>> mess2 = email.MIMEText.MIMEText('message two') >>> combo = email.Message.Message() >>> combo.set_type('multipart/mixed') >>> combo.attach(mess1) >>> combo.attach(mess2) >>> for line in email.Iterators.body_line_iterator(combo): ... print line ... message one message two email.Iterators.typed_subpart_iterator(mess [,maintype="text" [,subtype]]) Return a generator object that iterates through each subpart of message whose type matches 'maintype'. If a subtype 'subtype' is specified, the match is further restricted to 'maintype/subtype'. email.Iterators._structure(mess [,file=sys.stdout]) Write a "pretty-printed" representation of the structure of the body of message 'mess'. Output to the file-like object 'file'. >>> email.Iterators._structure(combo) multipart/mixed multipart/digest image/png text/plain audio/mp3 text/html SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.get_payload()`, `email.Message.Message.walk()` ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Message : Class representing an email message ================================================================= A message object that utilizes the [email.Message] module provides a large number of syntactic conveniences and support methods for manipulating an email or news message. The class `email.Message.Message` is a very good example of a customized datatype. The built-in `str()` function--and therefore also the 'print' command--cause a message object to produce its RFC-2822 serialization. In many ways, a message object is dictionary-like. The appropriate magic methods are implemented in it to support keyed indexing and assignment, the built-in `len()` function, containment testing with the 'in' keyword, and key deletion. Moreover, the methods one expects to find in a Python dict are all implemented by `email.Message.Message`: '.has_key()', '.keys()', '.values()', '.items()', and '.get()'. Some usage examples are helpful: >>> import mailbox, email, email.Parser >>> mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(open('mbox'), ... email.Parser.Parser().parse) >>> mess = >>> len(mess) # number of headers 16 >>> 'X-Status' in mess # membership testing 1 >>> mess.has_key('X-AGENT') # also membership test 0 >>> mess['x-agent'] = "Python Mail Agent" >>> print mess['X-AGENT'] # access by key Python Mail Agent >>> del mess['X-Agent'] # delete key/val pair >>> print mess['X-AGENT'] None >>> [fld for (fld,val) in mess.items() if fld=='Received'] ['Received', 'Received', 'Received', 'Received', 'Received'] This is dictionary-like behavior, but only to an extent. Keys are case-insensitive to match email header rules. Moreover, a given key may correspond to multiple values--indexing by key will return only the first such value, but methods like '.keys()', '.items()', or '.get_all()' will return a list of all the entries. In some other ways, an `email.Message.Message` object is more like a list of tuples, chiefly in guaranteeing to retain a specific order to header fields. A few more details of keyed indexing should be mentioned. Assigning to a keyed field will add an -additional- header, rather than replace an existing one. In this respect, the operation is more like a `list.append()` method. Deleting a keyed field, however, deletes every matching header. If you want to replace a header completely, delete first, then assign. The special syntax defined by the `email.Message.Message` class is all for manipulating headers. But a message object will typically also have a body with one or more payloads. If the 'Content-Type' header contains the value 'multipart/*', the body should consist of zero or more payloads, each one itself a message object. For single part content types (including where none is explicitly specified), the body should contain a string, perhaps an encoded one. The message instance method '.get_payload()', therefore, can return either a list of message objects or a string. Use the method '.is_multipart()' to determine which return type is expected. As the epigram to this chapter suggests, you should strictly follow content typing rules in messages you construct yourself. But in real-world situations, you are likely to encounter messages with badly mismatched headers and bodies. Single part messages might claim to be multipart, and vice versa. Moreover, the MIME type claimed by headers is only a loose indication of what payloads actually contain. Part of the mismatch comes from spammers and virus writers trying to exploit the poor standards compliance and lax security of Microsoft applications--a malicious payload can pose as an innocuous type, and Windows will typically launch apps based on filenames instead of MIME types. But other problems arise not out of malice, but simply out of application and transport errors. Depending on the source of your processed messages, you might want to be lenient about the allowable structure and headers of messages. SEE ALSO, [UserDict], [UserList] CLASSES: email.Message.Message() Construct a message object. The class accepts no initialization arguments. METHODS AND ATTRIBUTES: email.Message.Message.add_header(field, value [,**params]) Add a header to the message headers. The header field is 'field', and its value is 'value'.The effect is the same as keyed assignment to the object, but you may optionally include parameters using Python keyword arguments. >>> import email.Message >>> msg = email.Message.Message() >>> msg['Subject'] = "Report attachment" >>> msg.add_header('Content-Disposition','attachment', ... filename='report17.txt') >>> print msg From nobody Mon Nov 11 15:11:43 2002 Subject: Report attachment Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="report17.txt" email.Message.Message.as_string([unixfrom=0]) Serialize the message to an RFC-2822-compliant text string. If the 'unixfrom' argument is specified with a true value, include the BSD mailbox "From_" envelope header. Serialization with `str()` or `print` includes the "From_" envelope header. email.Message.Message.attach(mess) Add a payload to a message. The argument 'mess' must specify an `email.Message.Message` object. After this call, the payload of the message will be a list of message objects (perhaps of length one, if this is the first object added). Even though calling this method causes the method '.is_multipart()' to return a true value, you still need to separately set a correct 'multipart/*' content type for the message to serialize the object. >>> mess = email.Message.Message() >>> mess.is_multipart() 0 >>> mess.attach(email.Message.Message()) >>> mess.is_multipart() 1 >>> mess.get_payload() [] >>> mess.get_content_type() 'text/plain' >>> mess.set_type('multipart/mixed') >>> mess.get_content_type() 'multipart/mixed' If you wish to create a single part payload for a message object, use the method `email.Message.Message.set_payload()`. SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.set_payload()` email.Message.Message.del_param(param [,header="Content-Type" -¯ [,requote=1]]) Remove the parameter 'param' from a header. If the parameter does not exist, no action is taken, but also no exception is raised. Usually you are interested in the 'Content-Type' header, but you may specify a different 'header' argument to work with another one. The argument 'requote' controls whether the parameter value is quoted (a good idea that does no harm). >>> mess = email.Message.Message() >>> mess.set_type('text/plain') >>> mess.set_param('charset','us-ascii') >>> print mess From nobody Mon Nov 11 16:12:38 2002 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >>> mess.del_param('charset') >>> print mess From nobody Mon Nov 11 16:13:11 2002 MIME-Version: 1.0 content-type: text/plain email.Message.Message.epilogue Message bodies that contain MIME content delimiters can also have text that falls outside the area between the first and final delimiter. Any text at the very end of the body is stored in `email.Message.Message.epilogue`. SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.preamble` email.Message.Message.get_all(field [,failobj=None]) Return a list of all the headers with the field name 'field'. If no matches exist, return the value specified in argument 'failobj'. In most cases, header fields occur just once (or not at all), but a few fields such as 'Received' typically occur multiple times. The default nonmatch return value of 'None' is probably not the most useful choice. Returning an empty list will let you use this method in both 'if' tests and iteration context: >>> for rcv in mess.get_all('Received',[]): ... print rcv ... About that time A little earlier >>> if mess.get_all('Foo',[]): ... print "Has Foo header(s)" email.Message.Message.get_boundary([failobj=None]) Return the MIME message boundary delimiter for the message. Return 'failobj' if no boundary is defined; this -should- always be the case if the message is not multipart. email.Message.Message.get_charsets([failobj=None]) Return list of string descriptions of contained character sets. email.Message.Message.get_content_charset([failobj=None]) Return a string description of the message character set. email.Message.Message.get_content_maintype() For message 'mess', equivalent to 'mess.get_content_type().split("/")[0]'. email.Message.Message.get_content_subtype() For message 'mess', equivalent to 'mess.get_content_type().split("/")[1]'. email.Message.Message.get_content_type() Return the MIME content type of the message object. The return string is normalized to lowercase and contains both the type and subtype, separated by a '/'. >>> msg_photo.get_content_type() 'image/png' >>> msg_combo.get_content_type() 'multipart/mixed' >>> msg_simple.get_content_type() 'text/plain' email.Message.Message.get_default_type() Return the current default type of the message. The default type will be used in decoding payloads that are not accompanied by an explicit 'Content-Type' header. email.Message.Message.get_filename([failobj=None]) Return the 'filename' parameter of the 'Content-Disposition' header. If no such parameter exists (perhaps because no such header exists), 'failobj' is returned instead. email.Message.Message.get_param(param [,failobj [,header=... [,unquote=1]]]) Return the parameter 'param' of the header 'header'. By default, use the 'Content-Type' header. If the parameter does not exist, return 'failobj'. If the argument 'unquote' is specified as a true value, the quote marks are removed from the parameter. >>> print mess.get_param('charset',unquote=1) us-ascii >>> print mess.get_param('charset',unquote=0) "us-ascii" SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.set_param()` email.Message.Message.get_params([,failobj=None [,header=... [,unquote=1]]]) Return all the parameters of the header 'header'. By default, examine the 'Content-Type' header. If the header does not exist, return 'failobj' instead. The return value consists of a list of key/val pairs. The argument 'unquote' removes extra quotes from values. >>> print mess.get_params(header="To") [('', '')] >>> print mess.get_params(unquote=0) [('text/plain', ''), ('charset', '"us-ascii"')] email.Message.Message.get_payload([i [,decode=0]]) Return the message payload. If the message method 'is_multipart()' returns true, this method returns a list of component message objects. Otherwise, this method returns a string with the message body. Note that if the message object was created using `email.Parser.HeaderParser`, then the body is treated as single part, even if it contains MIME delimiters. Assuming that the message is multipart, you may specify the 'i' argument to retrieve only the indexed component. Specifying the 'i' argument is equivalent to indexing on the returned list without specifying 'i'. If 'decode' is specified as a true value, and the payload is single part, the returned payload is decoded (i.e., from quoted printable or base64). I find that dealing with a payload that may be either a list or a text is somewhat awkward. Frequently, you would like to simply loop over all the parts of a message body, whether or not MIME multiparts are contained in it. A wrapper function can provide uniformity: #---------------- ------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python "Write payload list to separate files" import email, sys def get_payload_list(msg, decode=1): payload = msg.get_payload(decode=decode) if type(payload) in [type(""), type(u"")]: return [payload] else: return payload mess = email.message_from_file(sys.stdin) for part,num in zip(get_payload_list(mess),range(1000)): file = open('%s.%d' % (sys.argv[1], num), 'w') print >> file, part SEE ALSO, [email.Parser], `email.Message.Message.is_multipart()`, `email.Message.Message.walk()` email.Message.Message.get_unixfrom() Return the BSD mailbox "From_" envelope header, or 'None' if none exists. SEE ALSO, [mailbox] email.Message.Message.is_multipart() Return a true value if the message is multipart. Notice that the criterion for being multipart is having multiple message objects in the payload; the 'Content-Type' header is not guaranteed to be 'multipart/*' when this method returns a true value (but if all is well, it -should- be). SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.get_payload()` email.Message.Message.preamble Message bodies that contain MIME content delimiters can also have text that falls outside the area between the first and final delimiter. Any text at the very beginning of the body is stored in `email.Message.Message.preamble`. SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.epilogue` email.Message.Message.replace_header(field, value) Replaces the first occurrence of the header with the name 'field' with the value 'value'. If no matching header is found, raise 'KeyError'. email.Message.Message.set_boundary(s) Set the boundary parameter of the 'Content-Type' header to 's'. If the message does not have a 'Content-Type' header, raise 'HeaderParserError'. There is generally no reason to create a boundary manually, since the [email] module creates good unique boundaries on it own for multipart messages. email.Message.Message.set_default_type(ctype) Set the current default type of the message to 'ctype'. The default type will be used in decoding payloads that are not accompanied by an explicit 'Content-Type' header. email.Message.Message.set_param(param, value [,header="Content-Type" -¯ [,requote=1 [,charset [,language]]]]) Set the parameter 'param' of the header 'header' to the value 'value'. If the argument 'requote' is specified as a true value, the parameter is quoted. The arguments 'charset' and 'language' may be used to encode the parameter according to RFC-2231. email.Message.Message.set_payload(payload [,charset=None]) Set the message payload to a string or to a list of message objects. This method overwrites any existing payload the message has. For messages with single part content, you must use this method to configure the message body (or use a convenience message subclass to construct the message in the first place). SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.attach()`, `email.MIMEText.MIMEText`, `email.MIMEImage.MIMEImage`, `email.MIMEAudio.MIMEAudio` email.Message.Message.set_type(ctype [,header="Content-Type" [,requote=1]]) Set the content type of the message to 'ctype', leaving any parameters to the header as is. If the argument 'requote' is specified as a true value, the parameter is quoted. You may also specify an alternative header to write the content type to, but for the life of me, I cannot think of any reason you would want to. email.Message.Message.set_unixfrom(s) Set the BSD mailbox envelope header. The argument 's' should include the word 'From' and a space, usually followed by a name and a date. SEE ALSO, [mailbox] email.Message.Message.walk() Recursively traverse all message parts and subparts of the message. The returned iterator will yield each nested message object in depth-first order. >>> for part in mess.walk(): ... print part.get_content_type() multipart/mixed text/html audio/midi SEE ALSO, `email.Message.Message.get_payload()` ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Parser : Parse a text message into a message object ================================================================= There are two parsers provided by the [email.Parser] module: `email.Parser.Parser` and its child `email.Parser.HeaderParser`. For general usage, the former is preferred, but the latter allows you to treat the body of an RFC-2822 message as an unparsed block. Skipping the parsing of message bodies can be much faster and is also more tolerant of improperly formatted message bodies (something one sees frequently, albeit mostly in spam messages that lack any content value as well). The parsing methods of both classes accept an optional 'headersonly' argument. Specifying 'headersonly' has a stronger effect than using the `email.Parser.HeaderParser` class. If 'headersonly' is specified in the parsing methods of either class, the message body is skipped altogether--the message object created has an entirely empty body. On the other hand, if `email.Parser.HeaderParser` is used as the parser class, but 'headersonly' is specified as false (the default), the body is always read as a single part text, even if its content type is 'multipart/*'. CLASSES: email.Parser.Parser([_class=email.Message.Message [,strict=0]]) Construct a parser instance that uses the class '_class' as the message object constructor. There is normally no reason to specify a different message object type. Specifying strict parsing with the 'strict' option will cause exceptions to be raised for messages that fail to conform fully to the RFC-2822 specification. In practice, "lax" parsing is much more useful. email.Parser.HeaderParser([_class=email.Message.Message [,strict=0]]) Construct a parser instance that is the same as an instance of `email.Parser.Parser` except that multipart messages are parsed as if they were single part. METHODS: email.Parser.Parser.parse(file [,headersonly=0]) email.Parser.HeaderParser.parse(file [,headersonly=0]) Return a message object based on the message text found in the file-like object 'file'. If the optional argument 'headersonly' is given a true value, the body of the message is discarded. email.Parser.Parser.parsestr(s [,headersonly=0]) email.Parser.HeaderParser.parsestr(s [,headersonly=0]) Return a message object based on the message text found in the string 's'. If the optional argument 'headersonly' is given a true value, the body of the message is discarded. ================================================================= MODULE -- email.Utils : Helper functions for working with messages ================================================================= The module [email.Utils] contains a variety of convenience functions, mostly for working with special header fields. FUNCTIONS: email.Utils.decode_rfc2231(s) Return a decoded string for RFC-2231 encoded string 's': >>> Omega = unicodedata.lookup("GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA") >>> print email.Utils.encode_rfc2231(Omega+'') >>> email.Utils.decode_rfc2231("utf-8''") ('utf-8', '', '') email.Utils.encode_rfc2231(s [,charset [,language]]) Return an RFC-2231-encoded string from the string 's'. A charset and language may optionally be specified. email.Utils.formataddr(pair) Return formatted address from pair '(realname,addr)': >>> email.Utils.formataddr(('David Mertz','')) 'David Mertz ' email.Utils.formataddr([timeval [,localtime=0]]) Return an RFC-2822-formatted date based on a time value as returned by `time.localtime()`. If the argument 'localtime' is specified with a true value, use the local timezone rather than UTC. With no options, use the current time. >>> email.Utils.formatdate() 'Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:08:01 -0000' email.Utils.getaddresses(addresses) Return a list of pairs '(realname,addr)' based on the list of compound addresses in argument 'addresses'. >>> addrs = ['"Joe" ','Jane '] >>> email.Utils.getaddresses(addrs) [('Joe', 'jdoe@nowhere.lan'), ('Jane', '')] email.Utils.make_msgid([seed]) Return a unique string suitable for a 'Message-ID' header. If the argument 'seed' is given, incorporate that string into the returned value; typically a 'seed' is the sender's domain name or other identifying information. >>> email.Utils.make_msgid('gnosis') '<20021113071050.3861.13687.gnosis@localhost>' email.Utils.mktime_tz(tuple) Return a timestamp based on an `email.Utils.parsedate_tz()` style tuple. >>> email.Utils.mktime_tz((2001, 1, 11, 14, 49, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 979224542.0 email.Utils.parseaddr(address) Parse a compound address into the pair '(realname,addr)'. >>> email.Utils.parseaddr('David Mertz ') ('David Mertz', '') email.Utils.parsedate(datestr) Return a date tuple based on an RFC-2822 date string. >>> email.Utils.parsedate('11 Jan 2001 14:49:02 -0000') (2001, 1, 11, 14, 49, 2, 0, 0, 0) SEE ALSO, [time] email.Utils.parsedate_tz(datestr) Return a date tuple based on an RFC-2822 date string. Same as `email.Utils.parsedate()`, but adds a tenth tuple field for offset from UTC (or 'None' if not determinable). email.Utils.quote(s) Return a string with backslashes and double quotes escaped. >>> print email.Utils.quote(r'"MyPath" is d:\this\that') \"MyPath\" is d:\\this\\that email.Utils.unquote(s) Return a string with surrounding double quotes or angle brackets removed. >>> print email.Utils.unquote('') >>> print email.Utils.unquote('"us-ascii"') us-ascii TOPIC -- Communicating with Mail Servers -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- imaplib : IMAP4 client ================================================================= The module [imaplib] supports implementing custom IMAP clients. This protocol is detailed in RFC-1730 and RFC-2060. As with the discussion of other protocol libraries, this documentation aims only to cover the basics of communicating with an IMAP server--many methods and functions are omitted here. In particular, of interest here is merely being able to retrieve messages--creating new mailboxes and messages is outside the scope of this book. The _Python Library Reference_ describes the POP3 protocol as obsolescent and recommends the use of IMAP4 if your server supports it. While this advice is not incorrect technically--IMAP indeed has some advantages--in my experience, support for POP3 is far more widespread among both clients and servers than is support for IMAP4. Obviously, your specific requirements will dictate the choice of an appropriate support library. Aside from using a more efficient transmission strategy (POP3 is line-by-line, IMAP4 sends whole messages), IMAP4 maintains multiple mailboxes on a server and also automates filtering messages by criteria. A typical (simple) IMAP4 client application might look like the one below. To illustrate a few methods, this application will print all the promising subject lines, after deleting any that look like spam. The example does not itself retrieve regular messages, only their headers. #------------- --------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python import imaplib, sys if len(sys.argv) == 4: sys.argv.append('INBOX') (host, user, passwd, mbox) = sys.argv[1:] i = imaplib.IMAP4(host, port=143) i.login(user, passwd) resp = if r[0] <> 'OK': sys.stderr.write("Could not select %s\n" % mbox) sys.exit() # delete some spam messages typ, spamlist =, '(SUBJECT) "URGENT"')','.join(spamlist.split()),'+FLAGS.SILENT','\deleted') i.expunge() typ, messnums =,'ALL').split() for mess in messnums: typ, header = i.fetch(mess, 'RFC822.HEADER') for line in header[0].split('\n'): if string.upper(line[:9]) == 'SUBJECT: ': print line[9:] i.close() i.logout() There is a bit more work to this than in the POP3 example, but you can also see some additional capabilities. Unfortunately, much of the use of the [imaplib] module depends on passing strings with flags and commands, none of which are well-documented in the _Python Library Reference_ or in the source to the module. A separate text on the IMAP protocol is probably necessary for complex client development. CLASSES: imaplib.IMAP4([host="localhost" [port=143]]) Create an IMAP instance object to manage a host connection. METHODS: imaplib.IMAP4.close() Close the currently selected mailbox, and delete any messages marked for deletion. The method `imaplib.IMAP4.logout()` is used to actually disconnect from the server. imaplib.IMAP4.expunge() Permanently delete any messages marked for deletion in the currently selected mailbox. imaplib.IMAP4.fetch(message_set, message_parts) Return a pair '(typ,datalist)'. The first field 'typ' is either 'OK' or 'NO', indicating the status. The second field 'datalist' is a list of returned strings from the fetch request. The argument 'message_set' is a comma-separated list of message numbers to retrieve. The 'message_parts' describe the components of the messages retrieved--header, body, date, and so on. imaplib.IMAP4.list([dirname="" [,pattern="*"]) Return a '(typ,datalist)' tuple of all the mailboxes in directory 'dirname' that match the glob-style pattern 'pattern'. 'datalist' contains a list of string names of mailboxes. Contrast this method with ``, which returns numbers of individual messages from the currently selected mailbox. imaplib.IMAP4.login(user, passwd) Connect to the IMAP server specified in the instance initialization, using the authentication information given by 'user' and 'passwd'. imaplib.IMAP4.logout() Disconnect from the IMAP server specified in the instance initialization., criterion1 [,criterion2 [,...]]) Return a '(typ,messnums)' tuple where 'messnums' is a space-separated string of message numbers of matching messages. Message criteria specified in 'criterion1', and so on may either be 'ALL' for all messages or flags indicating the fields and values to match.[mbox="INBOX" [,readonly=0]) Select the current mailbox for operations such as `` and `imaplib.IMAP4.expunge()`. The argument 'mbox' gives the name of the mailbox, and 'readonly' allows you to prevent modification to a mailbox. SEE ALSO, [email], [poplib], [smtplib] ================================================================= MODULE -- poplib : A POP3 client class ================================================================= The module [poplib] supports implementing custom POP3 clients. This protocol is detailed in RFC-1725. As with the discussion of other protocol libraries, this documentation aims only to cover the basics of communicating with a POP3 server--some methods or functions may be omitted here. The _Python Library Reference_ describes the POP3 protocol as obsolescent and recommends the use of IMAP4 if your server supports it. While this advice is not incorrect technically--IMAP indeed has some advantages--in my experience, support for POP3 is far more widespread among both clients and servers than is support for IMAP4. Obviously, your specific requirements will dictate the choice of an appropriate support library. A typical (simple) POP3 client application might look like the one below. To illustrate a few methods, this application will print all the promising subject lines, and retrieve and delete any that look like spam. The example does not itself retrieve regular messages, only their headers. #--------------- -------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python import poplib, sys, string spamlist = [] (host, user, passwd) = sys.argv[1:] mbox = poplib.POP3(host) mbox.user(user) mbox.pass_(passwd) for i in range(1, mbox.stat()[0]+1): # messages use one-based indexing headerlines =, 0)[1] # No body lines for line in headerlines: if string.upper(line[:9]) == 'SUBJECT: ': if -1 <> string.find(line,'URGENT'): spam = string.join(mbox.retr(i)[1],'\n') spamlist.append(spam) mbox.dele(i) else: print line[9:] mbox.quit() for spam in spamlist: report_to_spamcop(spam) # assuming this func exists CLASSES: poplib.POP3(host [,port=110]) The [poplib] module provides a single class that establishes a connection to a POP3 server at host 'host', using port 'port'. METHODS: poplib.POP3.apop(user, secret) Log in to a server using APOP authentication. poplib.POP3.dele(messnum) Mark a message for deletion. Normally the actual deletion does not occur until you log off with `poplib.POP3.quit()`, but server implementations differ. poplib.POP3.pass_(password) Set the password to use when communicating with the POP server. poplib.POP3.quit() Log off from the connection to the POP server. Logging off will cause any pending deletions to be carried out. Call this method as soon as possible after you establish a connection to the POP server; while you are connected, the mailbox is locked against receiving any incoming messages. poplib.POP3.retr(messnum) Return the message numbered 'messnum' (using one-based indexing). The return value is of the form '(resp,linelist,octets)', where 'linelist' is a list of the individual lines in the message. To re-create the whole message, you will need to join these lines. poplib.POP3.rset() Unmark any messages marked for deletion. Since server implementations differ, it is not good practice to mark messages using `poplib.POP3.dele()` unless you are pretty confident you want to erase them. However, `poplib.POP3.rset()` can usually save messages should unusual circumstances occur before the connection is logged off., lines) Retrieve the initial lines of message 'messnum'. The header is always included, along with 'lines' lines from the body. The return format is the same as with `poplib.POP3.retr()`, and you will typically be interested in offset 1 of the returned tuple. poplib.POP3.stat() Retrieve the status of the POP mailbox in the format '(messcount,mbox_size)'. 'messcount' gives you the total number of message pending; 'mbox_size' is the total size of all pending messages. poplib.POP3.user(username) Set the username to use when communicating with the POP server. SEE ALSO, [email], [smtplib], [imaplib] ================================================================= MODULE -- smtplib : SMTP/ESMTP client class ================================================================= The module [smtplib] supports implementing custom SMTP clients. This protocol is detailed in RFC-821 and RFC-1869. As with the discussion of other protocol libraries, this documentation aims only to cover the basics of communicating with an SMTP server--most methods and functions are omitted here. The modules [poplib] and [imaplib] are used to retrieve incoming email, and the module [smtplib] is used to send outgoing email. A typical (simple) SMTP client application might look like the one below. This example is a command-line tool that accepts as a parameters the mandatory 'To' message envelope header, constructs the 'From' using environment variables, and sends whatever text is on STDIN. The 'To' and 'From' are also added as RFC-822 headers in the message header. #-------------------- ----------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python import smtplib from sys import argv, stdin from os import getenv host = getenv('HOST', 'localhost') if len(argv) >= 2: to_ = argv[1] else: to_ = raw_input('To: ').strip() if len(argv) >=3: subject = argv[2] body = else: subject = stdin.readline() body = subject + from_ = "%s@%s" % (getenv('USER', 'user'), host) mess = '''From: %s\nTo: %s\n\n%s' % (to_, from_, body) server = smtp.SMTP(host) server.login server.sendmail(from_, to_, mess) server.quit() CLASSES: smtplib.SMTP([host="localhost" [,port=25]]) Create an instance object that establishes a connection to an SMTP server at host 'host', using port 'port'. METHODS: smtplib.SMTP.login(user, passwd) Login to an SMTP server that requires authentication. Raises an error if authentication fails. Not all--or even most--SMTP servers use password authentication. Modern servers support direct authentication, but since not all clients support SMTP authentication, the option is often disabled. One commonly used strategy to prevent "open relays" (servers that allow malicious/spam messages to be sent through them) is "POP before SMTP." In this arrangement, an IP address is authorized to use an SMTP server for a period of time after that same address has successfully authenticated with a POP3 server on the same machine. The timeout period is typically a few minutes to hours. smtplib.SMTP.quit() Terminate an SMTP connection. smtplib.SMTP.sendmail(from_, to_, mess [,mail_options=[] [,rcpt_options=[]]]) Send the message 'mess' with 'From' envelope 'from_', to recipients 'to_'. The argument 'to_' may either be a string containing a single address or a Python list of addresses. The message should include any desired RFC-822 headers. ESMTP options may be specified in arguments 'mail_options' and 'rcpt_options'. SEE ALSO, [email], [poplib], [imaplib] TOPIC -- Message Collections and Message Parts -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- mailbox : Work with mailboxes in various formats ================================================================= The module [mailbox] provides a uniform interface to email messages stored in a variety of popular formats. Each class in the [mailbox] module is initialized with a mailbox of an appropriate format, and returns an instance with a single method '.next()'. This instance method returns each consecutive message within a mailbox upon each invocation. Moreover, the '.next()' method is conformant with the iterator protocol in Python 2.2+, which lets you loop over messages in recent versions of Python. By default, the messages returned by 'mailbox' instances are objects of the class `rfc822.Mailbox`. These message objects provide a number of useful methods and attributes. However, the recommendation of this book is to use the newer [email] module in place of the older [rfc822]. Fortunately, you may initialize a [mailbox] class using an optional message constructor. The only constraint on this constructor is that it is a callable object that accepts a file-like object as an argument--the [email] module provides two logical choices here. >>> import mailbox, email, email.Parser >>> mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(open('mbox')) >>> >>> mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(open('mbox'), ... email.message_from_file) >>> >>> mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(open('mbox'), ... email.Parser.Parser().parse) >>> In Python 2.2+ you might structure your application as: #----------- Looping through a mailbox in 2.2+ -----------# #!/usr/bin/env python from mailbox import PortableUnixMailbox from email import message_from_file as mff import sys folder = open(sys.argv[1]) for message in PortableUnixMailbox(folder, mff): # do something with the message... print message['Subject'] However, in earlier versions, this same code will raise an 'AttributeError' for the missing '.__getitem__()' magic method. The slightly less elegant way to write the same application in an older Python is: #------- Looping through a mailbox in any version -------# #!/usr/bin/env python "Subject printer, older Python and rfc822.Message objects" import sys from mailbox import PortableUnixMailbox mbox = PortableUnixMailbox(open(sys.argv[1])) while 1: message = if message is None: break print message.getheader('Subject') CLASSES: mailbox.UnixMailbox(file [,factory=rfc822.Message]) Read a BSD-style mailbox from the file-like object 'file'. If the optional argument 'factory' is specified, it must be a callable object that accepts a file-like object as its single argument (in this case, that object is a portion of an underlying file). A BSD-style mailbox divides messages with a blank line followed by a "Unix From_" line. In this strict case, the "From_" line must have 'name' and 'time' information on it that matches a regular expression. In most cases, you are better off using `mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox`, which relaxes the requirement for recognizing the next message in a file. mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(file [,factory=rfc822.Message]) The arguments to this class are the same as for `mailbox.UnixMailbox`. Recognition of the messages within the mailbox 'file' depends only on finding 'From' followed by a space at the beginning of a line. In practice, this is as much as you can count on if you cannot guarantee that all mailboxes of interest will be created by a specific application and version. mailbox.BabylMailbox(file [,factory=rfc822.Message]) The arguments to this class are the same as for `mailbox.UnixMailbox`. Handles mailbox files in Babyl format. mailbox.MmdfMailbox(file [,factory=rfc822.Message]) The arguments to this class are the same as for `mailbox.UnixMailbox`. Handles mailbox files in MMDF format. mailbox.MHMailbox(dirname [,factory=rfc822.Message]) The MH format uses the directory structure of the underlying native filesystem to organize mail folders. Each message is held in a separate file. The initializer argument for `mailbox.MHMailbox` is a string giving the name of the directory to be processed. The 'factory' argument is the same as with `mailbox.UnixMailbox`. mailbox.Maildir(dirname [,factory=rfc822.Message]) The QMail format, like the MH format, uses the directory structure of the underlying native filesystem to organize mail folders. The initializer argument for `mailbox.Maildir` is a string giving the name of the directory to be processed. The 'factory' argument is the same as with `mailbox.UnixMailbox`. SEE ALSO, [email], [poplib], [imaplib], `nntplib`, [smtplib], `rfc822` ================================================================= MODULE -- mimetypes : Guess the MIME type of a file ================================================================= The [mimetypes] module maps file extensions to MIME datatypes. At its heart, the module is a dictionary, but several convenience functions let you work with system configuration files containing additional mappings, and also query the mapping in some convenient ways. As well as actual MIME types, the [mimetypes] module tries to guess file encodings, for example, compression wrapper. In Python 2.2+, the [mimetypes] module also provides a `mimetypes.MimeTypes` class that lets instances each maintain their own MIME types mapping, but the requirement for multiple distinct mapping is rare enough not to be worth covering here. FUNCTIONS: mimetypes.guess_type(url [,strict=0]) Return a pair '(typ,encoding)' based on the file or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) named by 'url'. If the 'strict' option is specified with a true value, only officially specified types are considered. Otherwise, a larger number of widespread MIME types are examined. If either 'type' or 'encoding' cannot be guessed, 'None' is returned for that value. >>> import mimetypes >>> mimetypes.guess_type('') (None, 'gzip') >>> mimetypes.guess_type('x.tgz') ('application/x-tar', 'gzip') >>> mimetypes.guess_type('') ('application/postscript', 'gzip') >>> mimetypes.guess_type('x.txt') ('text/plain', None) >>> mimetypes.guess_type('') (None, None) mimetypes.guess_extension(type [,strict=0]) Return a string indicating a likely extension associated with the MIME type. If multiple file extensions are possible, one is returned (generally the one that is first alphabetically, but this is not guaranteed). The argument 'strict' has the same meaning as in `mimetypes.guess_type()`. >>> print mimetypes.guess_extension('application/EDI-Consent') None >>> print mimetypes.guess_extension('application/pdf') .pdf >>> print mimetypes.guess_extension('application/postscript') .ai mimetypes.init([list-of-files]) Add the definitions from each filename listed in 'list-of-files' to the MIME type mapping. Several default files are examined even if this function is not called, but additional configuration files may be added as needed on your system. For example, on my MacOSX system, which uses somewhat different directories than a Linux system, I find it useful to run: >>> mimetypes.init(['/private/etc/httpd/mime.types.default', ... '/private/etc/httpd/mime.types']) Notice that even if you are specifying only one additional configuration file, you must enclose its name inside a list. mimetypes.read_mime_types(fname) Read the single file named 'fname' and return a dictionary mapping extensions to MIME types. >>> from mimetypes import read_mime_types >>> types = read_mime_types('/private/etc/httpd/mime.types') >>> for _ in range(5): print types.popitem() ... ('.wbxml', 'application/vnd.wap.wbxml') ('.aiff', 'audio/x-aiff') ('.rm', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio') ('.xbm', 'image/x-xbitmap') ('.avi', 'video/x-msvideo') ATTRIBUTES: mimetypes.common_types Dictionary of widely used, but unofficial MIME types. mimetypes.inited True value if the module has been initialized. mimetypes.encodings_map Dictionary of encodings. mimetypes.knownfiles List of files checked by default. mimetypes.suffix_map Dictionary of encoding suffixes. mimetypes.types_map Dictionary mapping extensions to MIME types. SECTION 2 -- World Wide Web Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOPIC -- Common Gateway Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- cgi : Support for Common Gateway Interface scripts ================================================================= The module [cgi] provides a number of helpful tools for creating CGI scripts. There are two elements to CGI, basically: (1) Reading query values. (2) Writing the results back to the requesting browser. The first of these elements is aided by the [cgi] module, the second is just a matter of formatting suitable text to return. The [cgi] module contains one class that is its primary interface; it also contains several utility functions that are not documented here because their use is uncommon (and not hard to replicate and customize for your specific needs). See the _Python Library Reference_ for details on the utility functions. A CGI PRIMER: A primer on the Common Gateway Interface is in order. A CGI script is just an application--in any programming language--that runs on a Web server. The server software recognizes a request for a CGI application, sets up a suitable environment, then passes control to the CGI application. By default, this is done by spawning a new process space for the CGI application to run in, but technologies like [FastCGI] and [mod_python] perform some tricks to avoid extra process creation. These latter techniques speed performance but change little from the point of view of the CGI application creator. A Python CGI script is called in exactly the same way any other URL is. The only difference between a CGI and a static URL is that the former is marked as executable by the Web server--conventionally, such scripts are confined to a './cgi-bin/' subdirectory (sometimes another directory name is used); Web servers generally allow you to configure where CGI scripts may live. When a CGI script runs, it is expected to output a 'Content-Type' header to STDOUT, followed by a blank line, then finally some content of the appropriate type--most often an HTML document. That is really all there is to it. CGI requests may utilize one of two methods: POST or GET. A POST request sends any associated query data to the STDIN of the CGI script (the Web server sets this up for the script). A GET request puts the query in an environment variable called 'QUERY_STRING'. There is not a lot of difference between the two methods, but GET requests encode their query information in a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and may therefore be composed without HTML forms and saved/bookmarked. For example, the following is an HTTP GET query to a script example discussed below: #*--------------------- HTTP GET request -----------------# You do not actually -need- the [cgi] module to create CGI scripts. For example, let us look at the script 'simple.cgi' mentioned above: #---------------------- simple.cgi -----------------------# #!/usr/bin/python import os,sys print "Content-Type: text/html" print print "Environment test
      for k,v in os.environ.items():
          print k, "::",
          if len(v)<=40: print v
          else:          print v[:37]+"..."
      print "<STDIN> ::",
      print "
" I happen to have composed the above sample query by hand, but you will often call a CGI script from another Web page. Here is one that does so: #----------- ------------# Test simple.cgi
It turns out that the script 'simple.cgi' is moderately useful; it tells the requester exactly what it has to work with. For example, the query above (which could be generated exactly by the GET form on 'simpleform.html') returns a Web page that looks like the one below (edited): #*------- Response from simple.cgi GET request -----------# DOCUMENT_ROOT :: /www/gnosis HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING :: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9 CONTENT_TYPE :: application/x-www-form-urlencoded SERVER_PORT :: 80 REMOTE_ADDR :: SERVER_NAME :: HTTP_USER_AGENT :: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS... REQUEST_URI :: /cgi-bin/simple.cgi?this=that&spam=eg... QUERY_STRING :: this=that&spam=eggs+are+good SERVER_PROTOCOL :: HTTP/1.1 HTTP_HOST :: REQUEST_METHOD :: GET SCRIPT_NAME :: /cgi-bin/simple.cgi SCRIPT_FILENAME :: /www/gnosis/cgi-bin/simple.cgi HTTP_REFERER :: :: A few environment variables have been omitted, and those available will differ between Web servers and setups. The most important variable is 'QUERY_STRING'; you may perhaps want to make other decisions based on the requesting 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', or 'HTTP_REFERER' (yes, the variable name is spelled wrong). Notice that STDIN is empty in this case. However, using the POST form on the sample Web page will give a slightly different response (trimmed): #*------- Response from simple.cgi POST request ----------# CONTENT_LENGTH :: 28 REQUEST_URI :: /cgi-bin/simple.cgi QUERY_STRING :: REQUEST_METHOD :: POST :: this=that&spam=eggs+are+good The 'CONTENT_LENGTH' environment variable is new, 'QUERY_STRING' has become empty, and STDIN contains the query. The rest of the omitted variables are the same. A CGI script need not utilize any query data and need not return an HTML page. For example, on some of my Web pages, I utilize a "Web bug"--a 1x1 transparent gif file that reports back who "looks" at it. Web bugs have a less-honorable use by spammers who send HTML mail and want to verify receipt covertly; but in my case, I only want to check some additional information about visitors to a few of my own Web pages. A Web page might contain, at bottom: #*------------- Web bug link on a Web page ----------------# The script itself is: #---------------------- visitor.cgi ----------------------# #!/usr/bin/python import os from sys import stdout addr = os.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR","Unknown IP Address") agent = os.environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT","No Known Browser") fp = open('visitor.log','a') fp.write('%s\t%s\n' % (addr, agent)) fp.close() stdout.write("Content-type: image/gif\n\n") stdout.write('GIF89a\001\000\001\000\370\000\000\000\000\000') stdout.write('\000\000\000!\371\004\001\000\000\000\000,\000') stdout.write('\000\000\000\001\000\001\000\000\002\002D\001\000;') CLASSES: The point where the [cgi] module becomes useful is in automating form processing. The class `cgi.FieldStorage` will determine the details of whether a POST or GET request was made, and decode the urlencoded query into a dictionary-like object. You could perform these checks manually, but [cgi] makes it much easier to do. cgi.FieldStorage([fp=sys.stdin [,headers [,ob [,environ=os.environ -¯ [,keep_blank_values=0 -¯ [,strict_parsing=0]]]]]]) Construct a mapping object containing query information. You will almost always use the default arguments and construct a standard instance. A `cgi.FieldStorage` object allows you to use name indexing and also supports several custom methods. On initialization, the object will determine all relevant details of the current CGI invocation. #*--------------- Using cgi.FieldStorage -----------------# import cgi query = cgi.FieldStorage() eggs = query.getvalue('eggs','default_eggs') numfields = len(query) if query.has_key('spam'): spam = query['spam'] [...] When you retrieve a `cgi.FieldStorage` value by named indexing, what you get is not a string, but either an instance of `cgi.FieldStorage` objects (or maybe `cgi.MiniFieldStorage') or a list of such objects. The string query is in their '.value' attribute. Since HTML forms may contain multiple fields with the same name, multiple values might exist for a key--a list of such values is returned. The safe way to read the actual strings in queries is to check whether a list is returned: #*-------- Checking the type of a query value ------------# if type(eggs) is type([]): # several eggs for egg in eggs: print "
", egg.value, "
" else: print "
", eggs.value, "
" For special circumstances you might wish to change the initialization of the instance by specifying an optional (named) argument. The argument 'fp' specifies the input stream to read for POST requests. The argument 'headers' contains a dictionary mapping HTTP headers to values--usually consisting of '{"Content-Type":...}'; the type is determined from the environment if no argument is given. The argument 'environ' specified where the environment mapping is found. If you specify a true value for 'keep_blank_values', a key will be included for a blank HTML form field--mapping to an empty string. If 'string_parsing' is specified, a 'ValueError' will be raised if there are any flaws in the query string. METHODS: The methods '.keys()', '.values()', and '.has_key()' work as with a standard dictionary object. The method '.items()', however, is not supported. cgi.FieldStorage.getfirst(key [,default=None]) Python 2.2+ has this method to return exactly one string corresponding to the key 'key'. You cannot rely on which such string value will be returned if multiple submitting HTML form fields have the same name--but you are assured of this method returning a string, not a list. cgi.FieldStorage.getlist(key [,default=None]) Python 2.2+ has this method to return a list of strings whether there are one or several matches on the key 'key'. This allows you to loop over returned values without worrying about whether they are a list or a single string. >>> spam = form.getlist('spam') >>> for s in spam: ... print s cgi.FieldStorage.getvalue(key [,default=None]) Return a string or list of strings that are the value(s) corresponding to the key 'key'. If the argument 'default' is specified, return the specified value in case of key miss. In contrast to indexing by name, this method retrieves actual strings rather than storage objects with a '.value' attribute. >>> import sys, cgi, os >>> from cStringIO import StringIO >>> sys.stdin = StringIO("this=that&this=other&spam=good+eggs") >>> os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST' >>> form = cgi.FieldStorage() >>> form.getvalue('this') ['that', 'other'] >>> form['this'] [MiniFieldStorage('this','that'),MiniFieldStorage('this','other')] ATTRIBUTES: cgi.FieldStorage.file If the object handled is an uploaded file, this attribute gives the file handle for the file. While you can read the entire file contents as a string from the 'cgi.FieldStorage.value' attribute, you may want to read it line-by-line instead. To do this, use the '.readline()' or '.readlines()' method of the file object. cgi.FieldStorage.filename If the object handled is an uploaded file, this attribute contains the name of the file. An HTML form to upload a file looks something like: #*----------- File upload from HTML form -----------------#
Web browsers typically provide a point-and-click method to fill in a file-upload form. cgi.FieldStorage.list This attribute contains the list of mapping object within a `cgi.FieldStorage` object. Typically, each object in the list is itself a `cgi.MiniStorage` object instead (but this can be complicated if you upload files that themselves contain multiple parts). >>> form.list [MiniFieldStorage('this', 'that'), MiniFieldStorage('this', 'other'), MiniFieldStorage('spam', 'good eggs')] SEE ALSO, `cgi.FieldStorage.getvalue()` cgi.FieldStorage.value cgi.MiniFieldStorage.value The string value of a storage object. SEE ALSO, [urllib], [cgitb], [dict] ================================================================= MODULE -- cgitb : Traceback manager for CGI scripts ================================================================= Python 2.2 added a useful little module for debugging CGI applications. You can download it for earlier Python versions from . A basic difficulty with developing CGI scripts is that their normal output is sent to STDOUT, which is caught by the underlying Web server and forwarded to an invoking Web browser. However, when a traceback occurs due to a script error, that output is sent to STDERR (which is hard to get at in a CGI context). A more useful action is either to log errors to server storage or display them in the client browser. Using the [cgitb] module to examine CGI script errors is almost embarrassingly simple. At the top of your CGI script, simply include the lines: #------------- Traceback enabled CGI script --------------# import cgitb cgitb.enable() If any exceptions are raised, a pretty, formatted report is produced (and possibly logged to a name starting with '@'). METHODS: cgitb.enable([display=1 [,logdir=None [context=5]]]) Turn on traceback reporting. The argument 'display' controls whether an error report is sent to the browser--you might not want this to happen in a production environment, since users will have little idea what to make of such a report (and there may be security issues in letting them see it). If 'logdir' is specified, tracebacks are logged into files in that directory. The argument 'context' indicates how many lines of code are displayed surrounding the point where an error occurred. For earlier versions of Python, you will have to do your own error catching. A simple approach is: #---------- Debugging CGI script in Python -------------# import sys sys.stderr = sys.stdout def main(): import cgi # the actual work of the CGI... # perhaps ending with: print template % script_dictionary print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" main() This approach is not bad for quick debugging; errors go back to the browser. Unfortunately, though, the traceback (if one occurs) gets displayed as HTML, which means that you need to go to "View Source" in a browser to see the original line breaks in the traceback. With a few more lines, we can add a little extra sophistication. #------- Debugging/logging CGI script in Python --------# import sys, traceback print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" try: # use explicit exception handling import my_cgi # main CGI functionality in '' my_cgi.main() except: import time errtime = '--- '+ time.ctime(time.time()) +' ---\n' errlog = open('cgi_errlog', 'a') errlog.write(errtime) traceback.print_exc(None, errlog) print "\n" print "CGI Error Encountered!\n" print "

A problem was encountered running MyCGI

" print "

Please check the server error log for details

" print "" The second approach is quite generic as a wrapper for any real CGI functionality we might write. Just 'import' a different CGI module as needed, and maybe make the error messages more detailed or friendlier. SEE ALSO, [cgi] TOPIC -- Parsing, Creating, and Manipulating HTML Documents -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- htmlentitydefs : HTML character entity references ================================================================= The module [htmlentitydefs] provides a mapping between ISO-8859-1 characters and the symbolic names of corresponding HTML 2.0 entity references. Not all HTML named entities have equivalents in the ISO-8859-1 character set; in such cases, names are mapped the HTML numeric references instead. ATTRIBUTES: htmlentitydefs.entitydefs A dictionary mapping symbolic names to character entities. >>> import htmlentitydefs >>> htmlentitydefs.entitydefs['omega'] 'ω' >>> htmlentitydefs.entitydefs['uuml'] '\xfc' For some purposes, you might want a reverse dictionary to find the HTML entities for ISO-8859-1 characters. >>> from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs >>> iso8859_1 = dict([(v,k) for k,v in entitydefs.items()]) >>> iso8859_1['\xfc'] 'uuml' ================================================================= MODULE -- HTMLParser : Simple HTML and XHTML parser ================================================================= The module [HTMLParser] is an event-based framework for processing HTML files. In contrast to [htmllib], which is based on [sgmllib], [HTMLParser] simply uses some regular expressions to identify the parts of an HTML document--starttag, text, endtag, comment, and so on. The different internal implementation, however, makes little difference to users of the modules. I find the module [HTMLParser] much more straightforward to use than [htmllib], and therefore [HTMLParser] is documented in detail in this book, while [htmllib] is not. While [htmllib] more or less -requires- the use of the ancillary module [formatter] to operate, there is no extra difficultly in letting [HTMLParser] make calls to a formatter object. You might want to do this, for example, if you have an existing formatter/writer for a complex document format. Both [HTMLParser] and [htmllib] provide an interface that is very similar to that of 'SAX' or 'expat' XML parsers. That is, a document--HTML or XML--is processed purely as a sequence of events, with no data structure created to represent the document as a whole. For XML documents, another processing API is the Document Object Model (DOM), which treats the document as an in-memory hierarchical data structure. In principle, you could use [xml.sax] or [xml.dom] to process HTML documents that conformed with XHTML--that is, tightened up HTML that is actually an XML application The problem is that very little existing HTML is XHTML compliant. A syntactic issue is that HTML does not require closing tags in many cases, where XML/XHTML requires every tag to be closed. But implicit closing tags can be inferred from subsequent opening tags (e.g., with certain names). A popular tool like 'tidy' does an excellent job of cleaning up HTML in this way. The more significant problem is semantic. A whole lot of actually existing HTML is quite lax about tag matching--Web browsers that successfully display the majority of Web pages are quite complex software projects. For example, a snippet like that below is quite likely to occur in HTML you come across: #*------------- Snippet of oddly nested HTML -------------#

The IETF admonishes: Be lenient in what you accept. If you know even a little HTML, you know that the author of this snippet presumably wanted the whole quote in italics, the word 'accept' in bold. But converting the snippet into a data structure such as a DOM object is difficult to generalize. Fortunately, [HTMLParser] is fairly lenient about what it will process; however, for sufficiently badly formed input (or any other problem), the module will raise the exception 'HTMLParser.HTMLParseError'. SEE ALSO, `htmllib`, `xml.sax` CLASSES: HTMLParser.HTMLParser() The [HTMLParser] module contains the single class `HTMLParser.HTMLParser`. The class itself is fairly useful, since it does not actually do anything when it encounters any event. Utilizing `HTMLParser.HTMLParser()` is a matter of subclassing it and providing methods to handle the events you are interested in. If it is important to keep track the structural position of the current event within the document, you will need to maintain a data structure with this information. If you are certain that the document you are processing is well-formed XHTML, a stack suffices. For example: #------------------ ------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python import HTMLParser html = """Advice

The IETF admonishes: Be strict in what you send.

""" tagstack = [] class ShowStructure(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): tagstack.append(tag) def handle_endtag(self, tag): tagstack.pop() def handle_data(self, data): if data.strip(): for tag in tagstack: sys.stdout.write('/'+tag) sys.stdout.write(' >> %s\n' % data[:40].strip()) ShowStructure().feed(html) Running this optimistic parser produces: #*--------------- HTMLParser_stack output ----------------# % ./ /html/head/title >> Advice /html/body/p >> The /html/body/p/a >> IETF admonishes: /html/body/p/a/i >> Be strict in what you /html/body/p/a/i/b >> send /html/body/p/a/i >> . You could, of course, use this context information however you wished when processing a particular bit of content (or when you process the tags themselves). A more pessimistic approach is to maintain a "fuzzy" tagstack. We can define a new object that will remove the most recent starttag corresponding to an endtag and will also prevent '

' and '

' tags from nesting if no corresponding endtag is found. You could do more along this line for a production application, but a class like 'TagStack' makes a good start: #*--------------- TagStack class example -----------------# class TagStack: def __init__(self, lst=[]): self.lst = lst def __getitem__(self, pos): return self.lst[pos] def append(self, tag): # Remove every paragraph-level tag if this is one if tag.lower() in ('p','blockquote'): self.lst = [t for t in self.lst if t not in ('p','blockquote')] self.lst.append(tag) def pop(self, tag): # "Pop" by tag from nearest pos, not only last item self.lst.reverse() try: pos = self.lst.index(tag) except ValueError: raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError, "Tag not on stack" del self.lst[pos] self.lst.reverse() tagstack = TagStack() This more lenient stack structure suffices to parse badly formatted HTML like the example given in the module discussion. METHODS AND ATTRIBUTES: HTMLParser.HTMLParser.close() Close all buffered data, and treat any current data as if an EOF was encountered. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.feed(data) Send some additional HTML data to the parser instance, from the string in the argument 'data'. You may feed the instance with whatever size chunks of data you wish, and each will be processed, maintaining the previous state. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.getpos() Return the current line number and offset. Generally called within a '.handle_*()' method to report or analyze the state of the processing of the HTML text. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_charref(name) Method called when a character reference is encountered, such as 'ϋ'. Character references may be interspersed with element text, much as with entity references. You can construct a Unicode character from a character reference, and you may want to pass the Unicode (or raw character reference) to `HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_data()`. #*-------------- Call back to .handle_data() -------------# class CharacterData(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def handle_charref(self, name): import unicodedata char = self.handle_data(char) [...other methods...] HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_comment(data) Method called when a comment is encountered. HTML comments begin with ''. The argument 'data' contains the contents of the comment. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_data(data) Method called when content data is encountered. All the text between tags is contained in the argument 'data', but if character or entity references are interspersed with text, the respective handler methods will be called in an interspersed fashion. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_decl(data) Method called when a declaration is encountered. HTML declarations with ''. The argument 'data' contains the contents of the comment. Syntactically, comments look like a type of declaration, but are handled by the `HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_comment()` method. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_endtag(tag) Method called when an endtag is encountered. The argument 'tag' contains the tag name (without brackets). HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_entityref(name) Method called when an entity reference is encountered, such as '&'. When entity references occur in the middle of an element text, calls to this method are interspersed with calls to `HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_data()`. In many cases, you will want to call the latter method with decoded entities; for example: #*-------------- Call back to .handle_data() -------------# class EntityData(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def handle_entityref(self, name): import htmlentitydefs self.handle_data(htmlentitydefs.entitydefs[name]) [...other methods...] HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_pi(data) Method called when a processing instruction (PI) is encountered. PIs begin with ''. They are less common in HTML than in XML, but are allowed. The argument 'data' contains the contents of the PI. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs) Method called when an XHTML-style empty tag is encountered, such as: #*----------------- Closed empty tag ---------------------# foo The arguments 'tag' and 'attrs' are identical to those passed to `HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_starttag()`. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.handle_starttag(tag, attrs) Method called when a starttag is encountered. The argument 'tag' contains the tag name (without brackets), and the argument 'attrs' contains the tag attributes as a list of pairs, such as '[("href","")]'. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.lasttag The last tag--start or end--that was encountered. Generally maintaining some sort of stack structure like those discussed is more useful. But this attribute is available automatically. You should treat it as read-only. HTMLParser.HTMLParser.reset() Restore the instance to its initial state, lose any unprocessed data (for example, content within unclosed tags). TOPIC -- Accessing Internet Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= MODULE -- urllib : Open an arbitrary URL ================================================================= The module [urllib] provides convenient, high-level access to resources on the Internet. While [urllib] lets you connect to a variety of protocols, to manage low-level details of connections--especially issues of complex authentication--you should use the module [urllib2] instead. However, [urllib] -does- provide hooks for HTTP basic authentication. The interface to [urllib] objects is file-like. You can substitute an object representing a URL connection for almost any function or class that expects to work with a read-only file. All of the World Wide Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) directories, and gopherspace can be treated, almost transparently, as if it were part of your local filesystem. Although the module provides two classes that can be utilized or subclassed for more fine-tuned control, generally in practice the function `urllib.urlopen()` is the only interface you need to the [urllib] module. FUNCTIONS: urllib.urlopen(url [,data]) Return a file-like object that connects to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) resource named in 'url'. This resource may be an HTTP, FTP, Gopher, or local file. The optional argument 'data' can be specified to make a POST request to an HTTP URL. This data is a urlencoded string, which may be created by the `urllib.urlencode()` method. If no 'postdata' is specified with an HTTP URL, the GET method is used. Depending on the type of resource specified, a slightly different class is used to construct the instance, but each provides the methods: '.read()', '.readline()', '.readlines()', '.fileno()', '.close()', '.info()' and '.geturl()' (but not '.xreadlines()', '.seek()', or '.tell()'). Most of the provided methods are shared by file objects, and each provides the same interface--arguments and return values--as actual file objects. The method '.geturl()' simply contains the URL that the object connects to, usually the same string as the 'url' argument. The method '.info()' returns `mimetools.Message` object. While the [mimetools] module is not documented in detail in this book, this object is generally similar to an `email.Message.Message` object--specifically, it responds to both the built-in `str()` function and dictionary-like indexing: >>> u = urllib.urlopen('') >>> print `` >>> print Content-Type: text/x-python Content-Length: 577 Last-modified: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 06:03:04 GMT >>> ['last-modified', 'content-length', 'content-type'] >>>['content-type'] 'text/x-python' SEE ALSO, `urllib.urlretrieve()`, `urllib.urlencode()` urllib.urlretrieve(url [,fname [,reporthook [,data]]]) Save the resources named in the argument 'url' to a local file. If the optional argument 'fname' is specified, that filename will be used; otherwise, a unique temporary filename is generated. The optional argument 'data' may contain a urlencoded string to pass to an HTTP POST request, as with `urllib.urlopen()`. The optional argument 'reporthook' may be used to specify a callback function, typically to implement a progress meter for downloads. The function 'reporthook()' will be called repeatedly with the arguments 'bl_transferred', 'bl_size', and 'file_size'. Even remote files smaller than the block size will typically call 'reporthook()' a few times, but for larger files, 'file_size' will -approximately- equal 'bl_transferred*bl_size'. The return value of `urllib.urlretrieve()` is a pair '(fname,info)'. The returned 'fname' is the name of the created file--the same as the 'fname' argument if it was specified. The 'info' return value is a `mimetools.Message` object, like that returned by the '.info()' method of a `urllib.urlopen` object. SEE ALSO, `urllib.urlopen()`, `urllib.urlencode()` urllib.quote(s [,safe="/"]) Return a string with special characters escaped. Exclude any characters in the string 'safe' for being quoted. >>> urllib.quote('/~username/special&odd!') '/%7Eusername/special%26odd%21' urllib.quote_plus(s [,safe="/"]) Same as `urllib.quote()`, but encode spaces as '+' also. urllib.unquote(s) Return an unquoted string. Inverse operation of `urllib.quote()`. urllib.unquote_plus(s) Return an unquoted string. Inverse operation of `urllib.quote_plus()`. urllib.urlencode(query) Return a urlencoded query for an HTTP POST or GET request. The argument 'query' may be either a dictionary-like object or a sequence of pairs. If pairs are used, their order is preserved in the generated query. >>> query = urllib.urlencode([('hl','en'), ... ('q','Text Processing in Python')]) >>> print query hl=en&q=Text+Processing+in+Python >>> u = urllib.urlopen(''+query) Notice, however, that at least as of the moment of this writing, Google will refuse to return results on this request because a Python shell is not a recognized browser (Google provides a SOAP interface that is more lenient, however). You -could-, but -should not-, create a custom [urllib] class that spoofed an accepted browser. CLASSES: You can change the behavior of the basic `urllib.urlopen()` and `urllib.urlretrieve()` functions by substituting your own class into the module namespace. Generally this is the best way to use [urllib] classes: #*------------ Opening URLs with a custom class ----------# import urllib class MyOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener): pass urllib._urlopener = MyOpener() u = urllib.urlopen("http://some.url") # uses custom class urllib.URLopener([proxies [,**x509]]) Base class for reading URLs. Generally you should subclass from `urllib.FancyURLopener` unless you need to implement a nonstandard protocol from scratch. The argument 'proxies' may be specified with a mapping if you need to connect to resources through a proxy. The keyword arguments may be used to configure HTTPS authentication; specifically, you should give named arguments 'key_file' and 'cert_file' in this case. #*-------- specifying proxies and authentication ---------# import urllib proxies = {'http':'','ftp':''} urllib._urlopener = urllib.URLopener(proxies, key_file='mykey', cert_file='mycert') urllib.FancyURLopener([proxies [,**x509]]) The optional initialization arguments are the same as for `urllib.URLopener`, unless you subclass further to use other arguments. This class knows how to handle 301 and 302 HTTP redirect codes, as well as 401 authentication requests. The class `urllib.FancyURLopener` is the one actually used by the [urllib] module, but you may subclass it to add custom capabilities. METHODS AND ATTRIBUTES: urllib.URLFancyopener.get_user_passwd(host, realm) Return the pair '(user,passwd)' to use for authentication. The default implementation calls the method '.prompt_user_passwd()' in turn. In a subclass you might want to either provide a GUI login interface or obtain authentication information from some other source, such as a database. [,data]) [,data]) Open the URL 'url', optionally using HTTP POST query 'data'. SEE ALSO, `urllib.urlopen()` urllib.URLopener.open_unknown(url [,data]) urllib.URLFancyopener.open_unknown(url [,data]) If the scheme is not recognized, the '.open()' method passes the request to this method. You can implement error reporting or fallback behavior here. urllib.URLFancyopener.prompt_user_passwd(host, realm) Prompt for the authentication pair '(user,passwd)' at the terminal. You may override this to prompt within a GUI. If the authentication is not obtained interactively, but by other means, directly overriding '.get_user_passwd()' is more logical. urllib.URLopener.retrieve(url [,fname [,reporthook [,data]]]) urllib.URLFancyopener.retrieve(url [,fname [,reporthook [,data]]]) Copies the URL 'url' to the local file named 'fname'. Callback to the progress function 'reporthook' if specified. Use the optional HTTP POST query data in 'data'. SEE ALSO, `urllib.urlretrieve()` urllib.URLopener.version urllib.URFancyLopener.version The User Agent string reported to a server is contained in this attribute. By default it is 'urllib/###', where the [urllib] version number is used rather than '###'. ================================================================= MODULE -- urlparse : Parse Uniform Resource Locators ================================================================= The module [urlparse] support just one fairly simple task, but one that is just complicated enough for quick implementations to get wrong. URLs describe a number of aspects of resources on the Internet: access protocol, network location, path, parameters, query, and fragment. Using [urlparse], you can break out and combine these components to manipulate or generate URLs. The format of URLs is based on RFC-1738, RFC-1808, and RFC-2396. Notice that [urlparse] does not parse the components of the network location, but merely returns them as a field. For example, 'ftp://guest:gnosis@' is a valid identifier on my local network (at least at the moment this is written). Tools like Mozilla and wget are happy to retrieve this file. Parsing this fairly complicated URL with [urlparse] gives us: >>> import urlparse >>> url = 'ftp://guest:gnosis@' >>> urlparse.urlparse(url) ('ftp', 'guest:gnosis@', '//tmp/MAIL.MSG', '', '', '') While this information is not incorrect, this network location itself contains multiple fields; all but the host are optional. The actual structure of a network location, using square bracket nesting to indicate optional components, is: #*------------- Diagram of network location --------------# [user[:password]@]host[:port] The following mini-module will let you further parse these fields: #------------------ --------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python def location_parse(netloc): "Return tuple (user, passwd, host, port) for netloc" if '@' not in netloc: netloc = ':@' + netloc login, net = netloc.split('@') if ':' not in login: login += ':' user, passwd = login.split(':') if ':' not in net: net += ':' host, port = net.split(':') return (user, passwd, host, port) #-- specify network location on command-line if __name__=='__main__': import sys print location_parse(sys.argv[1]) FUNCTIONS: urlparse.urlparse(url [,def_scheme="" [,fragments=1]]) Return a tuple consisting of six components of the URL 'url', '(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)'. A URL is assumed to follow the pattern 'scheme://netloc/path;params?query#fragment'. If a default scheme 'def_scheme' is specified, that string will be returned in case no scheme is encoded in the URL itself. If 'fragments' is set to a false value, any fragments will not be split from other fields. >>> from urlparse import urlparse >>> urlparse('', 'http', 1) ('http', '', '', '', '', 'sect') >>> urlparse('', 'http', 0) ('http', '', '', '', '', '') >>> urlparse('', ... 'gopher', 1) ('http', '', '/path/file.cgi', '', 'key=val', 'sect') >>> urlparse('', ... 'gopher', 0) ('http', '', '/path/file.cgi', '', 'key=val#sect', '') urlparse.urlunparse(tup) Construct a URL from a tuple containing the fields returned by `urlparse.urlparse()`. The returned URL has canonical form (redundancy eliminated) so `urlparse.urlparse()` and `urlparse.urlunparse()` are not precisely inverse operations; however, the composed 'urlunparse(urlparse(s))' should be idempotent. urlparse.urljoin(base, file) Return a URL that has the same base path as 'base', but has the file component 'file'. For example: >>> from urlparse import urljoin >>> urljoin('http://somewhere.lan/path/file.html', ... 'sub/other.html') 'http://somewhere.lan/path/sub/other.html' In Python 2.2+ the functions `urlparse.urlsplit()` and `urlparse.urlunsplit()` are available. These differ from `urlparse.urlparse()` and `urlparse.urlunparse()` in returning a 5-tuple that does not split out 'params' from 'path'. SECTION 3 -- Synopses of Other Internet Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are a variety of Internet-related modules in the standard library that will not be covered here in their specific usage. In the first place, there are two general aspects to writing Internet applications. The first aspect is the parsing, processing, and generation of messages that conform to various protocol requirements. These tasks are solidly inside the realm of text processing and should be covered in this book. The second aspect, however, are the issues of actually sending a message "over the wire": choosing ports and network protocols, handshaking, validation, and so on. While these tasks are important, they are outside the scope of this book. The synopses below will point you towards appropriate modules, though; the standard documentation, Python interactive help, or other texts can help with the details. A second issue comes up also, moreover. As Internet standards--usually canonicalized in RFCs--have evolved, and as Python libraries have become more versatile and robust, some newer modules have superceded older ones. In a similar way, for example, the [re] module replaced the older [regex] module. In the interests of backwards compatibility, Python has not dropped any Internet modules from its standard distributions. Nonetheless, the [email] module represents current "best practice" for most tasks related to email and newsgroup message handling. The modules [mimify], [mimetools], [MimeWriter], [multifile], and [rfc822] are likely to be utilized in existing code, but for new applications, it is better to use the capabilities in [email] in their stead. As well as standard library modules, a few third-party tools deserve special mention (at the bottom of this section). A large number of Python developers have created tools for various Internet-related tasks, but a small number of projects have reached a high degree of sophistication and a widespread usage. TOPIC -- Standard Internet-Related Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------- asyncore Asynchronous socket service clients and servers. Cookie Manage Web browser cookies. Cookies are a common mechanism for managing state in Web-based applications. RFC-2109 and RFC-2068 describe the encoding used for cookies, but in practice MSIE is not very standards compliant, so the parsing is relaxed in the [Cookie] module. SEE ALSO, [cgi], `httplib` email.Charset Work with character set encodings at a fine-tuned level. Other modules within the [email] package utilize this module to provide higher-level interfaces. If you need to dig deeply into character set conversions, you might want to use this module directly. SEE ALSO, [email], [email.Header], `unicode`, [codecs] ftplib Support for implementing custom file transfer protocol (FTP) clients. This protocol is detailed in RFC-959. For a full FTP application, [ftplib] provides a very good starting point; for the simple capability to retrieve publicly accessible files over FTP, `urllib.urlopen()` is more direct. SEE ALSO, [urllib], `urllib2` gopherlib Gopher protocol client interface. As much as I am still personally fond of the gopher protocol, it is used so rarely that it is not worth documenting here. httplib Support for implementing custom Web clients. Higher-level access to the HTTP and HTTPS protocols than using raw [sockets] on ports 80 or 443, but lower-level, and more communications oriented, than using the higher-level [urllib] to access Web resources in a file-like way. SEE ALSO, [urllib], `socket` ic, icopen Internet access configuration (Macintosh). icopen Internet Config replacement for 'open()' (Macintosh). imghdr Recognize image file formats based on their first few bytes. mailcap Examine the 'mailcap' file on Unix-like systems. The files '/etc/mailcap', '/usr/etc/mailcap', '/usr/local/etc/mailcap, and '$HOME/.mailcap' are typically used to configure MIME capabilities in client applications like mail readers and Web browsers (but less so now than a few years ago). See RFC-1524. mhlib Interface to MH mailboxes. The MH format consists of a directory structure that mirrors the folder organization of message. Each message is contained in its own file. While the MH format is in many ways -better-, the Unix mailbox format seems to be more widely used. Basic access to a single folder in an MH hierarchy can be achieved with the `mailbox.MHMailbox` class, which satisfies most working requirements. SEE ALSO, [mailbox], [email] mimetools Various tools used by MIME-reading or MIME-writing programs. MimeWriter Generic MIME writer. mimify Mimification and unmimification of mail messages. netrc Examine the 'netrc' file on Unix-like systems. The file '$HOME/.netrc' are typically used to configure FTP clients. SEE ALSO, `ftplib`, [urllib] nntplib Support for Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) client applications. This protocol is defined in RFC-977. Although Usenet has a different distribution system from email, the message format of NNTP messages still follows the format defined in RFC-822. In particular, the [email] package, or the [rfc822] module, are useful for creating and modifying news messages. SEE ALSO, [email], `rfc822` nsremote Wrapper around Netscape OSA modules (Macintosh). rfc822 RFC-822 message manipulation class. The [email] package is intended to supercede [rfc822], and it is better to use [email] for new application development. SEE ALSO, [email], [poplib], [mailbox], [smtplib] select Wait on I/O completion, such as sockets. sndhdr Recognize sound file formats based on their first few bytes. socket Low-level interface to BSD sockets. Used to communicate with IP addresses at the level underneath protocols like HTTP, FTP, POP3, Telnet, and so on. SEE ALSO, `ftplib`, `gopherlib`, `httplib`, [imaplib], `nntplib`, [poplib], [smtplib], `telnetlib` SocketServer Asynchronous I/O on sockets. Under Unix, pipes can also be monitored with [select]. [socket] supports SSL in recent Python versions. telnetlib Support for implementing custom telnet clients. This protocol is detailed in RFC-854. While possibly useful for intranet applications, Telnet is an entirely unsecured protocol and should not really be used on the Internet. Secure Shell (SSH) is an encrypted protocol that otherwise is generally similar in capability to Telnet. There is no support for SSH in the Python standard library, but third-party options exist, such as [pyssh]. At worst, you can script an SSH client using a tool like the third-party [pyexpect]. urllib2 An enhanced version of the [urllib] module that adds specialized classes for a variety of protocols. The main focus of [urllib2] is the handling of authentication and encryption methods. SEE ALSO, [urllib] Webbrowser Remote-control interfaces to some browsers. TOPIC -- Third-Party Internet-Related Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many very fine Internet-related tools that this book cannot discuss, but to which no slight is intended. A good index to such tools is the relevant page at the Vaults of Parnassus: Quixote In brief, [Quixote] is a templating system for HTML delivery. More so than systems like PHP, ASP, and JSP to an extent, [Quixote] puts an emphasis on Web application structure more than page appearance. The home page for [Quixote] is Twisted To describe [Twisted], it is probably best simply to quote from Twisted Matrix Laboratories' Web site : "Twisted is a framework, written in Python, for writing networked applications. It includes implementations of a number of commonly used network services such as a Web server, an IRC chat server, a mail server, a relational database interface and an object broker. Developers can build applications using all of these services as well as custom services that they write themselves. Twisted also includes a user authentication system that controls access to services and provides services with user context information to implement their own security models." While [Twisted] overlaps significantly in purpose with [Zope], [Twisted] is generally lower-level and more modular (which has both pros and cons). Some protocols supported by [Twisted]--usually both server and client--and implemented in pure Python are SSH; FTP; HTTP; NNTP; SOCKSv4; SMTP; IRC; Telnet; POP3; AOL's instant messaging TOC; OSCAR, used by AOL-IM as well as ICQ; DNS; MouseMan; finger; Echo, discard, chargen, and friends; Twisted Perspective Broker, a remote object protocol; and XML-RPC. Zope [Zope] is a sophisticated, powerful, and just plain -complicated- Web application server. It incorporates everything from dynamic page generation, to database interfaces, to Web-based administration, to back-end scripting in several styles and languages. While the learning curve is steep, experienced Zope developers can develop and manage Web applications more easily, reliably, and faster than users of pretty much any other technology. The home page for Zope is . SECTION 4 -- Understanding XML ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a text format increasingly used for a wide variety of storage and transport requirements. Parsing and processing XML is an important element of many text processing applications. This section discusses the most common techniques for dealing with XML in Python. While XML held an initial promise of simplifying the exchange of complex and hierarchically organized data, it has itself grown into a standard of considerable complexity. This book will not cover most of the API details of XML tools; an excellent book dedicated to that subject is: _Python & XML_, Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake, Jr., O'Reilly 2002. ISBN: 0-596-00128-2. The XML format is sufficiently rich to represent any structured data, some forms more straightforwardly than others. A task that XML is quite natural at is in representing marked-up text--documentation, books, articles, and the like--as is its parent SGML. But XML is probably used more often to represent -data- than texts--record sets, OOP data containers, and so on. In many of these cases, the fit is more awkward and requires extra verbosity. XML itself is more like a metalanguage than a language--there are a set of syntax constraints that any XML document must obey, but typically particular APIs and document formats are defined as XML -dialects-. That is, a dialect consists of a particular set of tags that are used within a type of document, along with rules for when and where to use those tags. What I refer to as an XML dialect is also sometimes more formally called "an -application- of XML." THE DATA MODEL: At base, XML has two ways to represent data. Attributes in XML tags map names to values. Both names and values are Unicode strings (as are XML documents as a whole), but values frequently encode other basic datatypes, especially when specified in W3C XML Schemas. Attribute names are mildly restricted by the special characters used for XML markup; attribute values can encode any strings once a few characters are properly escaped. XML attribute values are whitespace normalized when parsed, but whitespace can itself also be escaped. A bare example is: >>> from xml.dom import minidom >>> x = '''''' >>> d = minidom.parseString(x) >>> d.firstChild.attributes.items() [(u'a', u'b'), (u'num', u'38'), (u'd', u'e f g')] As with a Python dictionary, no order is defined for the list of key/value attributes of one tag. The second way XML represents data is by nesting tags inside other tags. In this context, a tag together with a corresponding "close tag" is called an -element-, and it may contain an ordered sequence of -subelements-. The subelements themselves may also contain nested subelements. A general term for any part of an XML document, whether an element, an attribute, or one of the special parts discussed below, is a "node." A simple example of an element that contains some subelements is: >>> x = ''' ... ... Some data ... ... ... item 1 ... item 2 ... ... ''' >>> d = minidom.parseString(x) >>> d.normalize() >>> for node in d.documentElement.childNodes: ... print node ... >>> d.documentElement.childNodes[3].attributes.items() [(u'data', u'more data')] There are several things to notice about the Python session above. 1. The "document element," named 'root' in the example, contains three ordered subelement nodes, named 'a', 'b', and 'c'. 2. Whitespace is preserved within elements. Therefore the spaces and newlines that come between the subelements make up several text nodes. Text and subelements can intermix, each potentially meaningful. Spacing in XML documents is significant, but it is nonetheless also often used for visual clarity (as above). 3. The example contains an XML declaration, '', which is optional but generally included. 4. Any given element may contain attributes -and- subelements -and- text data. OTHER XML FEATURES: Besides regular elements and text nodes, XML documents can contain several kinds of "special" nodes. Comments are common and useful, especially in documents intended to be hand edited at some point (or even potentially). Processing instructions may indicate how a document is to be handled. Document type declarations may indicate expected validity rules for where elements and attributes may occur. A special type of node called CDATA lets you embed mini-XML documents or other special codes inside of other XML documents, while leaving markup untouched. Examples of each of these forms look like: #*------------- XML document with special nodes ----------# This is text data inside the <root> element >>string<< ]]> XML documents may be either "well-formed" or "valid." The first characterization simply indicates that a document obeys the proper syntactic rules for XML documents in general: All tags are either self-closed or followed by a matching endtag; reserved characters are escaped; tags are properly hierarchically nested; and so on. Of course, particular documents can also fail to be well-formed--but in that case they are not XML documents sensu stricto, but merely fragments or near-XML. A formal description of well-formed XML can be found at and . Beyond well-formedness, some XML documents are also valid. Validity means that a document matches a further grammatical specification given in a Document Type Definition (DTD), or in an XML Schema. The most popular style of XML Schema is the W3C XML Schema specification, found in formal detail at , and in linked documents. There are competing schema specifications, however--one popular alternative is RELAX NG, which is documented at . The grammatical specifications indicated by DTDs are strictly structural. For example, you can specify that certain subelements must occur within an element, with a certain cardinality and order. Or, certain attributes may or must occur with a certain tag. As a simple case, the following DTD is one that the prior example of nested subelements would conform to. There are an infinite number of DTDs that the sample -could- match, but each one describes a slightly different -range- of valid XML documents: #*-------- DTD for simple subelement XML document --------# The W3C recommendation on the XML standard also formally specifies DTD rules. A few features of the above DTD example can be noted here. The element 'OTHER-A' and the attribute 'NOT-THERE' are permitted by this DTD, but were not utilized in the previous sample XML document. The quantifications '?', '*', and '+'; the alternation '|'; and the comma sequence operator have similar meaning as in regular expressions and BNF grammars. Attributes may be required or optional as well and may contain any of several specific value types; for example, the 'data' attribute must contain any string, while the 'NOT-THERE' attribute may contain 'this' or 'that' only. Schemas go farther than DTDs, in a way. Beyond merely specifying that elements or attributes must contain strings describing particular datatypes, such as numbers or dates, schemas allow more flexible quantification of subelement occurrences. For example, the following W3C XML Schema might describe an XML document for purchases: #*--------- XML Schema "item" Element Definition ---------# An XML document that is valid under this schema is: #*------------- Order info XML document ------------------# 21.95 2002-11-26 Formal specifications of schema languages can be found at the above-mentioned URLs; this example is meant simply to illustrate the types of capabilities they have. In order to check the validity of an XML document to a DTD or schema, you need to use a -validating parser-. Some stand-alone tools perform validation, generally with diagnostic messages in cases of invalidity. As well, certain libraries and modules support validation within larger applications. As a rule, however, -most- Python XML parsers are nonvalidating and check only for well-formedness. Quite a number of technologies have been built on top of XML, many endorsed and specified by W3C, OASIS, or other standards groups. One in particular that you should be aware of is XSLT. There are a number of thick books available that discuss XSLT, so the matter is too complex to document here. But in shortest characterization, XSLT is a declarative programming language whose syntax is itself an XML application. An XML document is processed using a set of rules in an XSLT stylesheet, to produce a new output, often a different XML document. The elements in an XSLT stylesheet each describe a pattern that might occur in a source document and contain an output block that will be produced if that pattern in encountered. That is the simple characterization, anyway; in the details, "patterns" can have loops, recursions, calculations, and so on. I find XSLT to be more complicated than genuinely powerful and would rarely choose the technology for my own purposes, but you are fairly likely to encounter existing XSLT processes if you work with existing XML applications. TOPIC -- Python Standard Library XML Modules -------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two principle APIs for accessing and manipulating XML documents that are in widespread use: DOM and SAX. Both are supported in the Python standard library, and these two APIs make up the bulk of Python's XML support. Both of these APIs are programming language neutral, and using them in other languages is substantially similar to using them in Python. The Document Object Model (DOM) represents an XML document as a tree of -nodes-. Nodes may be of several types--a document type declaration, processing instructions, comments, elements, and attribute maps--but whatever the type, they are arranged in a strictly nested hierarchy. Typically, nodes have children attached to them; of course, some nodes are -leaf nodes- without children. The DOM allows you to perform a variety of actions on nodes: delete nodes, add nodes, find sibling nodes, find nodes by tag name, and other actions. The DOM itself does not specify anything about how an XML document is transformed (parsed) into a DOM representation, nor about how a DOM can be serialized to an XML document. In practice, however, all DOM libraries--including [xml.dom]--incorporate these capabilities. Formal specification of DOM can be found at: and: . The Simple API for XML (SAX) is an -event-based- API for XML documents. Unlike DOM, which envisions XML as a rooted tree of nodes, SAX sees XML as a sequence of events occurring linearly in a file, text, or other stream. SAX is a very minimal interface, both in the sense of telling you very little inherently about the -structure- of an XML documents, and also in the sense of being extremely memory friendly. SAX itself is forgetful in the sense that once a tag or content is processed, it is no longer in memory (unless you manually save it in a data structure). However, SAX does maintain a basic stack of tags to assure well-formedness of parsed documents. The module [xml.sax] raises exceptions in case of problems in well-formedness; you may define your own custom error handlers for these. Formal specification of SAX can be found at: . -*- xml.dom The module [xml.dom] is a Python implementation of most of the W3C Document Object Model, Level 2. As much as possible, its API follows the DOM standard, but a few Python conveniences are added as well. A brief example of usage is below: >>> from xml.dom import minidom >>> dom = minidom.parse('address.xml') >>> addrs = dom.getElementsByTagName('address') >>> print addrs[1].toxml()
>>> jobs = dom.getElementsByTagName('job-info') >>> for key, val in jobs[3].attributes.items(): ... print key,'=',val ... employee-type = Part-Time is-manager = no job-description = Hacker SEE ALSO, `gnosis.xml.objectify` xml.dom.minidom The module [xml.dom.minidom] is a lightweight DOM implementation built on top of SAX. You may pass in a custom SAX parser object when you parse an XML document; by default, [xml.dom.minidom] uses the fast, nonvalidating [xml.parser.expat] parser. xml.dom.pulldom The module [xml.dom.pulldom] is a DOM implementation that conserves memory by only building the portions of a DOM tree that are requested by calls to accessor methods. In some cases, this approach can be considerably faster than building an entire tree with [xml.dom.minidom] or another DOM parser; however, the [xml.dom.pulldom] remains somewhat underdocumented and experimental at the time of this writing. xml.parsers.expat Interface to the 'expat' nonvalidating XML parser. Both [xml.sax] and [xml.dom.minidom] utilize the services of the fast 'expat' parser, whose functionality lives mostly in a C library. You can use [xml.parser.expat] directly if you wish, but since the interface uses the same general event-driven style of the standard [xml.sax], there is usually no reason to. xml.sax The package [xml.sax] implements the Simple API for XML. By default, [xml.sax] relies on the underlying [xml.parser.expat] parser, but any parser supporting a set of interface methods may be used instead. In particular, the validating parser [xmlproc] is included in the [PyXML] package. When you create a SAX application, your main task is to create one or more callback handlers that will process events generated during SAX parsing. The most important handler is a 'ContentHandler', but you may also define a 'DTDHandler', 'EntityResolver', or 'ErrorHandler'. Generally you will specialize the base handlers in [xml.sax.handler] for your own applications. After defining and registering desired handlers, you simply call the '.parse()' method of the parser that you registered handlers with. Or alternately, for incremental processing, you can use the 'feed()' method. A simple example illustrates usage. The application below reads in an XML file and writes an equivalent, but not necessarily identical, document to STDOUT. The output can be used as a canonical form of the document: #------------------------- ---------------------# #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from xml.sax import handler, make_parser from xml.sax.saxutils import escape  class ContentGenerator(handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout): handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self._out = out def startDocument(self): xml_decl = '\n' self._out.write(xml_decl) def endDocument(self): sys.stderr.write("Bye bye!\n") def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._out.write('<' + name) name_val = attrs.items() name_val.sort() # canonicalize attributes for (name, value) in name_val: self._out.write(' %s="%s"' % (name, escape(value))) self._out.write('>') def endElement(self, name): self._out.write('' % name) def characters(self, content): self._out.write(escape(content)) def ignorableWhitespace(self, content): self._out.write(content) def processingInstruction(self, target, data): self._out.write('' % (target, data))  if __name__=='__main__': parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(ContentGenerator()) parser.parse(sys.argv[1]) xml.sax.handler The module [xml.sax.handler] defines classes 'ContentHandler', 'DTDHandler', 'EntityResolver' and 'ErrorHandler' that are normally used as parent classes of custom SAX handlers. xml.sax.saxutils The module [xml.sax.saxutils] contains utility functions for working with SAX events. Several functions allow escaping and munging special characters. xml.sax.xmlreader The module [xml.sax.xmlreader] provides a framework for creating new SAX parsers that will be usable by the [xml.sax] module. Any new parser that follows a set of API conventions can be plugged in to the `xml.sax.make_parser()` class factory. xmllib Deprecated module for XML parsing. Use [xml.sax] or other XML tools in Python 2.0+. xmlrpclib SimpleXMLRPCServer XML-RPC is an XML-based protocol for remote procedure calls, usually layered over HTTP. For the most part, the XML aspect is hidden from view. You simply use the module [xmlrpclib] to call remote methods and the module [SimpleXMLRPCServer] to implement your own server that supports such method calls. For example: >>> import xmlrpclib >>> betty = xmlrpclib.Server("") >>> print betty.examples.getStateName(41) South Dakota The XML-RPC format itself is a bit verbose, even as XML goes. But it is simple and allows you to pass argument values to a remote method: >>> import xmlrpclib >>> print xmlrpclib.dumps((xmlrpclib.True,37,(11.2,'spam'))) 1 37 11.199999999999999 spam SEE ALSO, `gnosis.xml.pickle` TOPIC -- Third-Party XML-Related Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of projects extend the XML capabilities in the Python standard library. I am the principle author of several XML-related modules that are distributed with the [gnosis] package. Information on the current release can be found at: . The package itself can be downloaded as a [distutils] package tarball from: . The Python XML-SIG (special interest group) produces a package of XML tools known as [PyXML]. The work of this group is incorporated into the Python standard library with new Python releases--not every [PyXML] tool, however, makes it into the standard library. At any given moment, the most sophisticated--and often experimental--capabilities can be found by downloading the latest [PyXML] package. Be aware that installing the latest [PyXML] overrides the default Python XML support and may break other tools or applications. Fourthought, Inc. produces the [4Suite] package, which contains a number of XML tools. Fourthought releases [4Suite] as free software, and many of its capabilities are incorporated into the [PyXML] project (albeit at a varying time delay); however, Fourthought is a for-profit company that also offers customization and technical support for [4Suite]. The community page for [4Suite] is: . The Fourthought company Web site is: . Two other modules are discussed briefly below. Neither of these are XML tools per se. However, both [PYX] and [yaml] fill many of the same requirements as XML does, while being easier to manipulate with text processing techniques, easier to read, and easier to edit by hand. There is a contrast between these two formats, however. [PYX] is semantically identical to XML, merely using a different syntax. YAML, on the other hand, has a quite different semantics from XML--I present it here because in many of the concrete applications where developers might instinctively turn to XML (which has a lot of "buzz"), YAML is a better choice. The home page for [PYX] is: . I have written an article explaining PYX in more detail than in this book at: . The home page for YAML is: . I have written an article contrasting the utility and semantics of YAML and XML at: . -*- gnosis.xml.indexer The module [gnosis.xml.indexer] builds on the full-text indexing program presented as an example in Chapter 2 (and contained in the [gnosis] package as [gnosis.indexer]). Instead of file contents, [gnosis.xml.indexer] creates indices of (large) XML documents. This allows for a kind of "reverse XPath" search. That is, where a tool like [4xpath], in the [4Suite] package, lets you see the contents of an XML node specified by XPath, [gnosis.xml.indexer] identifies the XPaths to the point where a word or words occur. This module may be used either in a larger application or as a command-line tool; for example: #*------------ gnosis.xml.indexer search -----------------# % indexer symmetric ./crypto1.xml::/section[2]/panel[8]/title ./crypto1.xml::/section[2]/panel[8]/body/text_column/code_listing ./crypto1.xml::/section[2]/panel[7]/title ./crypto2.xml::/section[4]/panel[6]/body/text_column/p[1] 4 matched wordlist: ['symmetric'] Processed in 0.100 seconds (SlicedZPickleIndexer) #*------ Limit matches to ones in a title element --------# % indexer "-filter=*::/*/title" symmetric ./crypto1.xml::/section[2]/panel[8]/title ./crypto1.xml::/section[2]/panel[7]/title 2 matched wordlist: ['symmetric'] Processed in 0.080 seconds (SlicedZPickleIndexer) Indexed searches, as the example shows, are very fast. I have written an article with more details on this module: . gnosis.xml.objectify The module [gnosis.xml.objectify] transforms arbitrary XML documents into Python objects that have a "native" feel to them. Where XML is used to encode a data structure, I believe that using [gnosis.xml.objectify] is the quickest and simplest way to utilize that data in a Python application. The Document Object Model defines an OOP model for working with XML, across programming languages. But while DOM is nominally object-oriented, its access methods are distinctly un-Pythonic. For example, here is a typical "drill down" to a DOM value (skipping whitespace text nodes for some indices, which is far from obvious): >>> from xml.dom import minidom >>> dom_obj = minidom.parse('address.xml') >>> dom_obj.normalize() >>> print dom_obj.documentElement.childNodes[1].childNodes[3]\ ... .attributes.get('city').value Los Angeles In contrast, [gnosis.xml.objectify] feels like you are using Python: >>> from gnosis.xml.objectify import XML_Objectify >>> xml_obj = XML_Objectify('address.xml') >>> py_obj = xml_obj.make_instance() >>> py_obj.person[2] u'Los Angeles' gnosis.xml.pickle The module [gnosis.xml.pickle] lets you serialize arbitrary Python objects to an XML format. In most respects, the purpose is the same as for the [pickle] module, but an XML target is useful for certain purposes. You may process the data in an xml_pickle using standard XML parsers, XSLT processors, XML editors, validation utilities, and other tools. In several respects, [gnosis.xml.pickle] offers finer-grained control than the standard [pickle] module does. You can control security permissions accurately; you can customize the representation of object types within an XML file; you can substitute compatible classes during the pickle/unpickle cycle; and several other "guru-level" manipulations are possible. However, in basic usage, [gnosis.xml.pickle] is fully API compatible with [pickle]. An example illustrates both the usage and the format: >>> class Container: pass ... >>> inst = Container() >>> dct = {1.7:2.5, ('t','u','p'):'tuple'} >>> inst.this, inst.num, inst.dct = 'that', 38, dct >>> import gnosis.xml.pickle >>> print gnosis.xml.pickle.dumps(inst) SEE ALSO, [pickle], [cPickle], `yaml`, [pprint] gnosis.xml.validity The module [gnosis.xml.validity] allows you to define Python container classes that restrict their containment according to XML validity constraints. Such validity-enforcing classes -always- produce string representations that are valid XML documents, not merely well-formed ones. When you attempt to add an item to a [gnosis.xml.validity] container object that is not permissible, a descriptive exception is raised. Constraints, as with DTDs, may specify quantification, subelement types, and sequence. For example, suppose you wish to create documents that conform with a "dissertation" Document Type Definition: #------------------ dissertation.dtd ----------------------# You can use [gnosis.xml.validity] to assure your application produced only conformant XML documents. First, you create a Python version of the DTD: #----------------- ---------------------# from gnosis.xml.validity import * class appendix(PCDATA): pass class table(EMPTY): pass class figure(EMPTY): pass class _mixedpara(Or): _disjoins = (PCDATA, figure, table) class paragraph(Some): _type = _mixedpara class title(PCDATA): pass class _paras(Some): _type = paragraph class chapter(Seq): _order = (title, _paras) class dedication(PCDATA): pass class _apps(Any): _type = appendix class _chaps(Some): _type = chapter class _dedi(Maybe): _type = dedication class dissertation(Seq): _order = (_dedi, _chaps, _apps) Next, import your Python validity constraints, and use them in an application: >>> from dissertation import * >>> chap1 = LiftSeq(chapter,('About Validity','It is a good thing')) >>> paras_ch1 = chap1[1] >>> paras_ch1 += [paragraph('OOP can enforce it')] >>> print chap1 About Validity It is a good thing OOP can enforce it If you attempt an action that violates constraints, you get a relevant exception; for example: >>> try: .. paras_ch1.append(dedication("To my advisor")) .. except ValidityError, x: ... print x Items in _paras must be of type (not ) PyXML The [PyXML] package contains a number of capabilities in advance of those in the Python standard library. [PyXML] was at version 0.8.1 at the time this was written, and as the number indicates, it remains an in-progress/beta project. Moreover, as of this writing, the last released version of Python was 2.2.2, with 2.3 in preliminary stages. When you read this, [PyXML] will probably be at a later number and have new features, and some of the current features will have been incorporated into the standard library. Exactly what is where is a moving target. Some of the significant features currently available in [PyXML] but not in the standard library are listed below. You may install [PyXML] on any Python 2.0+ installation, and it will override the existing XML support. *** A validating XML parser written in Python called [xmlproc]. Being a pure Python program rather than a C extension, [xmlproc] is slower than [xml.sax] (which uses the underlying [expat] parser). *** A SAX extension called [xml.sax.writers] that will reserialize SAX events to either XML or other formats. *** A fully compliant DOM Level 2 implementation called [4DOM], borrowed from [4Suite]. *** Support for canonicalization. That is, two XML documents can be semantically identical even though they are not byte-wise identical. You have freedom in choice of quotes, attribute orders, character entities, and some spacing that change nothing about the -meaning- of the document. Two canonicalized XML documents are semantically identical if and only if they are byte-wise identical. *** XPath and XSLT support, with implementations written in pure Python. There are faster XSLT implementations around, however, that call C extensions. *** A DOM implementation that supports lazy instantiation of nodes, called [xml.dom.pulldom], has been incorporated into recent versions of the standard library. For older Python versions, this is available in [PyXML]. *** A module with several options for serializing Python objects to XML. This capability is comparable to [gnosis.xml.pickle], but I like the tool I created better in several ways. PYX PYX is both a document format and a Python module to support working with that format. As well as the Python module, tools written in C are available to transform documents between XML and PYX format. The idea behind PYX is to eliminate the need for complex parsing tools like [xml.sax]. Each node in an XML document is represented, in the PYX format on a separate line, using a prefix character to indicate the node type. Most of XML semantics is preserved, with the exception of document type declarations, comments, and namespaces. These features could be incorporated into an updated PYX format, in principle. Documents in the PYX format are easily processed using traditional line-oriented text processing tools like 'sed', 'grep', 'awk', 'sort', 'wc', and the like. Python applications that use a basic `FILE.readline()` loop are equally able to process PYX nodes, one per line. This makes it much easier to use familiar text processing programming styles with PYX than it is with XML. A brief example illustrates the PYX format: #*------------------ PYX format example ------------------# % cat test.xml Some text about eggs. Ode to Spam (spam="smoked-pork") % ./xmln test.xml ?xml-stylesheet href="test.css" type="text/css" (Spam Aflavor pork -\n (Eggs -Some text about eggs. )Eggs -\n (MoreSpam -Ode to Spam (spam="smoked-pork") )MoreSpam -\n )Spam 4Suite The tools in [4Suite] focus on the use of XML documents for knowledge management. The server element of the [4Suite] software is useful for working with catalogs of XML documents, searching them, transforming them, and so on. The base [4Suite] tools address a variety of XML technologies. In some cases [4Suite] implements standards and technologies not found in the Python standard library or in [PyXML], while in other cases [4Suite] provides more advanced implementations. Among the XML technologies implemented in [4Suite] are DOM, RDF, XSLT, XInclude, XPointer, XLink and XPath, and SOAP. Among these, of particular note is [4xslt] for performing XSLT transformations. [4xpath] lets you find XML nodes using concise and powerful XPath descriptions of how to reach them. [4rdf] deals with "meta-data" that documents use to identify their semantic characteristics. I detail [4Suite] technologies in a bit more detail in an article at: yaml The native data structures of object-oriented programming languages are not straightforward to represent in XML. While XML is in principle powerful enough to represent any compound data, the only inherent mapping in XML is within attributes--but that only maps strings to strings. Moreover, even when a suitable XML format is found for a given data structure, the XML is quite verbose and difficult to scan visually, or especially to edit manually. The YAML format is designed to match the structure of datatypes prevalent in scripting languages: Python, Perl, Ruby, and Java all have support libraries at the time of this writing. Moreover, the YAML format is extremely concise and unobtrusive--in fact, the acronym cutely stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language." In many ways, YAML can act as a better pretty-printer than [pprint], while simultaneously working as a format that can be used for configuration files or to exchange data between different programming languages. There is no fully general and clean way, however, to convert between YAML and XML. You can use the [yaml] module to read YAML data files, then use the [gnosis.xml.pickle] module to read and write to one particular XML format. But when XML data starts out in other XML dialects than [gnosis.xml.pickle], there are ambiguities about the best Python native and YAML representations of the same data. On the plus side--and this can be a very big plus--there is essentially a straightforward and one-to-one correspondence between Python data structures and YAML representations. In the YAML example below, refer back to the same Python instance serialized using [gnosis.xml.pickle] and [pprint] in their respective discussions. As with [gnosis.xml.pickle]--but in this case unlike [pprint]--the serialization can be read back in to re-create an identical object (or to create a different object after editing the text, by hand or by application). >>> class Container: pass ... >>> inst = Container() >>> dct = {1.7:2.5, ('t','u','p'):'tuple'} >>> inst.this, inst.num, inst.dct = 'that', 38, dct >>> import yaml >>> print yaml.dump(inst) --- !!__main__.Container dct: 1.7: 2.5 ? - t - u - p : tuple num: 38 this: that SEE ALSO, [pprint], `gnosis.xml.pickle`